Chapter 4

********** HANSON HOUSE 3pm **********

“Carolyn will be home soon…” Taylor said lying on the grass below the tree house.

“I think you like her…” Ike said.

“You’re a quick one!” Tay said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

“I don’t understand what you see in…girls,” Zac said cringing as he said the word girls.

“You’ll understand when you reach Taylor’s age,” Isaac laughed.

“Ew! I will NEVER be friends with GIRLS,” Zac said again wincing when he said the word girls.

“Oh shut up! Here come all the kids!” Taylor said.

The Tulsa High bus had made it to our bus stop before we did, which usually never happened. Brandon, Jace, Lindsay and Carolyn stepped off the bus talking like mad, they were probably glad it was Friday and they only had one more week of school left. Then Eve, Jen, Mike, Chris, Claire, and I all stepped off of our bus.

“FREE! I LOVE SUMMER!” Mike said laughing jumping off the bus.

“I am so embarrassed to be related to you,” Jace said. Jace was Mike’s older brother, (like Mike was also a hottie).

“Me too, why did Mom have to have you?” Jen said rolling her eyes at Mike.

We all started walking down the road.

“Let’s stop by the Hanson’s.” My brother (Brandon) said.

Claire and I looked at each other and smiled.

“Sounds good to me!” Lindsay said.

We all went towards the Hanson house and saw Zac in the tree house and Taylor and Ike playing catch with the football.

“Hey Ike over here!” My brother said putting his backpack on the ground motioning for Ike to throw the ball to him.

My brother was a REALLY good football player.

“Hey Zac!” Claire said looking up into the tree house.

“Hi Claire,” Zac said smiling.

Taylor started laughing remembering Zac’s words, ‘I’ll NEVER be friends with GIRLS!’

“Yo Zacko! DUDE! How have ya been?” Mike said throwing his backpack on the ground and climbing up to the tree house with Chris not far behind.

“Zacko?” Eve laughed with Jen.

“Like I said, it’s horrible to be related to him.” Jace laughed joining Isaac and Brandon’s football game.

“So Carolyn…when do you get out of school?” Taylor asked smiling at her.

“Next week,” Carolyn said not paying much attention to Taylor but she was watching Ike’s every move.

Lindsay laughed noticing that Taylor liked Carolyn.

“So Tay, how is your record thingy coming?” Jen asked.

“WHAT record thing?” I asked putting my drumsticks in my backpack.

“You play the drums Ashly?” Zac asked looking down from the tree house seeing my drumsticks.

“Yeah why?” I asked. “Cool, me too- maybe we can jam sometime.” Zac said making the ‘rock on’ symbol smiling.

“Sounds fun,” I laughed. I think I was starting to develop a crush for Zac.

“ANYWAY,” Taylor said getting my attention, “We are recording a record with Mercury Records-Ike, Zac and I have a band together.” Taylor said.

“You guys are so lucky! You might even become famous!” Eve said jumping up and down.

“Don’t get your hopes up!” Isaac yelled hearing their conversation.

Taylor just rolled his eyes at Ike’s remark. Claire and I started up to the tree house where Zac, Mike, and Chris were.

Chapter 5