Chapter 39

*******Seattle Concert*********

I hooked on my pack and picked up my camera- this was the last time I would have the pleasure of taping a Hanson concert.

“Okay! This next song is a favorite of ours!” Tay yelled out.

Zac nodded into the camera.

“It’s dedicated to my inspiration.” Zac said looking into the camera- I noticed he was using my lucky drumsticks, “Ashly MADELINE Stokley- I love you.” He said starting the song.

Some fans booed but I smiled so wide- I loved him so much. I NEVER EVER thought that Madeline was dedicated to me!

After Madeline was ‘Weird’ the last song and without a doubt my favorite; they perfected the song last night and as they sang all the memories of the tour had swallowed me whole. When the song was over Zac looked into the camera- lipped ‘that was for you’ and smiled the best smile I had ever seen him smile my whole life. It was so incredibly and genuine. And EVERYONE- if you have the ‘Road to Albertane video- that smile is all on tape! At the end of the concert I taped the back of them as the bowed for what seemed like the last time. It made me cry, Zac gave the peace sign to the camera as he passed me.

Then they had to do their water gun thing but I would be late for my flight if I taped it so Josh took the camera for me.

“Ready to go?” Ashley Greyson asked, “Your bags are already in the car.”

“But I want to say good-bye!” I whined.

“Ashly- you will miss the plane if you do!” Ashley informed me.

“Okay fine,” I sighed.

“Bye Ashly!” Carolyn and Jen hugged me.

“I’ll see you guys in a few months!” I bid farewell to them holding back tears.

I looked back at the guys squirting down their fans laughing. I sighed knowing I wouldn’t see them for a while.

“Good-bye,” I whispered. I turned and walked out of the building and into Ashley’s car where he drove me to the airport.


“Okay guys! We REALLY have to go now!” Tay laughed at the crowd of fans Zac had drenched with the super soaker.

“Bye!’ Ike and Zac waved as they ran backstage.

“That performance was awesome!” Carolyn hugged Ike.

“So where’s Ashly?” Zac asked looking around.

“She left already!” Jen sighed.

“She what?! Ike- come on- you have to take me to the airport!” Zac groaned dragging Ike away from Carolyn.

Chapter 40