Chapter 38

I spent the next morning packing up all of my stuff- I truly didn’t want to leave. But I couldn’t think of myself in this case.

“Hey,” Someone said behind me.

“Tay!” I said hugging him.

“I’m going to miss you, but we will see you soon.” Tay said.

“I’m so scared Tay,” I said to him.

“I know.” He replied looking at the ground.

“Ashly, I want you to have this,” Taylor said taking off his favorite choker and putting it around my neck.

“Taylor, this is your favorite,” I smiled.

“And you’re my favorite,” He hugged me closer.

“You are so sweet,” I hugged him back.

“Don’t take it off,” He reminded me.

“I promise I won’t,” I said clutching it.

We heard someone clear his throat by the doorway. We broke away and turned around to see Zac.

“A little TOO close Tay,” Zac said pulling me away from him.

I laughed, “Chill out Zac,”

“You’re leaving me? And you want me to chill out?!” Zac said.

“I’m not leaving forever,” I said.

“But it’ll feel like forever,” He said slipping a ring onto my finger. The ring came from like K-Mart.

“Zac, it’s so cute- thanks,” I said kissing him on the cheek.

As I pulled away his mouth dropped as he glanced at my neck.

“Taylor! Why does she have your choker?!” Zac asked shocked.

“I gave it to her,” Taylor shrugged.

“But it’s your favorite!” Zac shrieked.

“Well, I wanted her to have it,” Tay gave Zac a weird look.

“I can’t believe you! You're a fucking toaster!” Zac yelled.

“WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE ZACHARY!” Mrs. Hanson screamed from across the hall.

Taylor was laughing so hard he had to gasp for his air, “A TOASTER- is the best insult you can come up with?!”

“Well, that’s exactly what you are- a boring, ugly, fuckin toaster.” Zac snickered. “Come on Ashly,” Zac said.

“Hello?! Apologize!” I said.

“He likes you- he broke up with Jen- he likes you, I’m not going to apologize!” Zac yelled.

Luckily, by the time the concert came we forgot about the little incident.

Chapter 39