Chapter 34

“Okay, now just focus,” I said holding Zac’s hands as I skated backwards.

“Ice skating is nothing like roller blading Ashly!!” Zac whined.

“I know, but it’s fun,” I smiled. I had persuaded Zac to go ice-skating with me.

“Okay, it’s been like an hour- and no fun. Let’s just go back to the hotel,” Zac said skating out of the rink and plopping onto a bench.

“Yeah, it is kind of cold,” I replied seeing his rosy cheeks.

We unlaced our skates and returned Zac’s to the rental place. I slung mine over my shoulder and we walked the deserted street of Medford, Colorado.

“It’s snowing!” I exclaimed looking up into the sky.

“Yeah,” Zac smiled.

Soon the hotel was in sight and Taylor and Jen were standing out in the entrance bundled up with worried looks. They caught sight of us and ran towards us.

“WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!” Taylor yelled at Zac.

“Taylor chill out, we went skating,” I said.

“Dad has been worried sick about you! He’s ready to call the police!” Taylor bellowed.

“Calm yourself crazy white boy.” Zac said in an Indian voice.

“Zac this is NO time for joking around!” Jen scolded him.

“What are you now? My Mom?” Zac asked.

“No!” Jen shuddered at the thought.

“Zac! Get inside both of you! Ashly I’m so disappointed in you! I thought you were more responsible!” Taylor shouted.

“Hey, leave her alone she’s not your sister,” Zac said getting in front of me.

“But she’s close enough to it- and if you two were dead or something my life would’ve been over!” Taylor shrieked.

“Tay…I’m really sorry.” I said.

“Get inside,” Taylor directing pointing to the hotel door as he looked away from us.

“He is the most emotional 15 year old I know,” Zac shook his head as we walked up to our room.

“Zachary Walker Hanson.” Mr. Hanson hung his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sorry dad, we weren’t even gone that long,” Zac apologized.

“Please, Mr. Hanson- we really are sorry. But go easy on Zac- Taylor gave it to him already,” I pleaded.

“I wasn’t going to yell at him,” Mr. Hanson solemnly.

There was a harsh minute of silence when suddenly Mr. Hanson picked up his head, smiled and chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

“Your mother had her baby, Zoe…” Mr. Hanson said to Zac.

“HOW COOL IS THAT?!” Zac's eyes lit up.

I just smiled- another Hanson meant another life long memory to add to my life.

“Now you two kids go get ready- we have to be on set today,” Mr. Hanson said.

Chapter 35