Chapter 3

********** Tulsa Elementary School (the largest elementary school in Tulsa, Oklahoma). **********

“Please enjoy your last day here at Tulsa Elementary – thank you for a great year,” a monotone voice said over the speaker.

“Now children, I am so happy to announce that all of you will be entering 6th grade next year! You all will have a great time,” My teacher said to us holding back tears, “You all are wonderful children and I will miss you,” She said crying as the final bell rang.

“FINALLY! We are OUT!” Mike said running down the hall.

“We’ll never have to see this stupid school again,” Chris said walking down the hall with me eating an apple.

“It’s not that bad Chris…” Claire said.

“OUT!” Mike said screaming and running around in the halls while the rest of us took our time walking out of the school.

“I’m beginning to think you actually like school,” I said to her.

“Trust me, I don’t.” Claire said.

“Whatever, so did you do anything fun in any other classes since it was our last day?” Chris asked since we all weren’t in the same classes (just homeroom).

“Oh yeah, we had a total jam session in band!” I said banging my hard drumsticks on his head.

“Ow!” He said rubbing his head.

“Sorry,” I laughed.

Chris and Mike were the two most popular guys in our grade so that ranked Claire and I as popular too. Life was so good!

“I think Brandon has to go to school until next week,” I said changing the subject. Brandon was my older brother who was in high school with Carolyn (Claire’s older sister.)

“Yeah your right.” Claire laughed.

“Eve gets out today too.” Chris said with his voice drifting off.

“Ok, let’s just get out of here before Mike has a spaz…” Claire said seeing Mike jumping off of lockers as a teacher ran after him.

“Mike come on! Let’s MOVE!” Chris yelled as he got onto the bus he shouted at Mike who was on the railing of the steps shouting FREE.

Chapter 4