Chapter 29

“It’s huge!” Jen said looking around the lobby of the hotel.

“May I help you girl?” The woman at the front desk asked.

“Yes, you can.” Taylor answered for her.

“Your-Tay-Taylor Hanson!” The woman gasped.

“We’re here to check in,” Taylor smiled.

“My daughter loves you all,” The woman said catching her breath.

“Give her this then,” Ike said making Zac and Tay sign a piece of paper.

“Thank you so much – ya’ll are so sweet! Here are your 4 room keys,” She said handing Taylor 8 sets of keys.

“Thank YOU!” Zac said.

Tay handed us each a key to our room.

“No sex!” Mr. Hanson said to us before we ran upstairs to search for our rooms.

“Dad! I’m 17, you can trust me!” Ike said embarrassed.

Taylor’s face was as red as a cherry.

“You don’t have to worry dad,” Zac assured him laughing.

“Okay, go have a good time then!” Mr. Walker laughed.

“415…416…ah here it is! 417!” Tay exclaimed unlocking the door, “after you,” He said to Jen.

Jen blushed and kissed him on the cheek.

“I guess they are going out.” Carolyn said as her and Ike walked into room 418.

“But they don’t know what love is yet…me on the other hand- now that I’ve found the perfect girl…I think I know the meaning of love,” He smiled.

“Your such a charmer,” Carolyn said hugging him.

“They are all love sick…toasters.” Zac said.

“You have an obsession with toasters don’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah…I find them interesting,” Zac sighed sarcastically.

He could always make me laugh. I took out my key and unlocked the door to our room- it was like a huge apartment. Zac took out his camcorder and taped the room.

“So what do you think?” He asked.

“I feel like a princess!” I said flopping on the bed.

Taylor who burst through the door “You are-” Zac said opening the refrigerator.

“AND THIS is ZAC!” Taylor said bursting into our room with a camera.

“Taylor that was rude,” Zac said annoyed slamming the refrigerator door shut.

“Yeah Tay! You could’ve walked in on them having sex!” Ike laughed.

“Then it would be ‘Hanson Has Sex On Tape’” Carolyn laughed.

“That would be a huge seller!” Jen agreed.

“Yeah, everyone wants to see you guys naked,” I added.

Taylor started blushing and Zac just kind of gave me a weird look.

"Okay, maybe it IS time to turn off the camera now," Taylor said turning his camera off.

“Do I know you?” Zac asked in one of his weird voices looking at me.

“I don’t know do you?” I laughed.

“Maybe we should leave them alone so they can ‘get to know’ each other BETTER,” Ike laughed.

“No! Cause I wanna catch it all on tape and sell it on eBay!” Tay exclaimed picking up his camera again shoving it in Zac's face.

“Okay, enough with the corny perverted jokes, out of here!” Zac said shooing them all away and turning Tay's camera off.

“Zac! They are our guests! Be nice, let them stay!” I said sarcastically acting insulted.

“Listen to her, she’s smart.” Carolyn nodded.

“Seriously, everyone get out please.” Zac asked.

“Okay come on let’s go…” Jen said turning around.

They all started towards the door when Mr. Hanson pushed them back in.

“Kids! You’ll never believe it!” Mr. Walker exclaimed.

I heard Zac groan.

“Oh no…what is it now?” Ike said almost afraid to ask.

“You boys have been invited to go to MTV’s New Year’s Eve party!” Mr. Hanson exclaimed.

“Oh you guys are so lucky!” Carolyn said.

“You have 6 passes to get in,” Mr. Hanson said ready to give details.

“Dad – there are three of us.” Zac said scrunching up his face.

“And the three of you have dates to bring,” Mr. Hanson said as a smirk spread across his face.

All of us girls screamed and hugged the guys.

“We’re going to MTV!” Jen danced around.

“You all will be going to get outfits in,” Mr. Hanson glanced at his watch, “2 hours- so be ready.”

Chapter 30