Chapter 27

“Yes!” Mr. Hanson said on his cell phone.

“Why is he so excited?” Tay turned around asking Ike.

“Tay, seriously- I’m 3 rows behind him- do you REALLY think I know?” Ike asked.

“Kids,” Mr. Hanson said turning off his phone.

“Yeah?” Everyone asked.

“You’re going to be on the Jack Frost soundtrack, you’ll be attending the premiere and everything! We will be going to visit the set January 16th,” Mr. Walker said.

“What’s Jack Frost?” Carolyn asked.

“A new movie that is being filmed…something about a kid and his snowman dad,” Mr. Hanson said.

“This is so cool! I’ve always wanted to be on a movie set!” I said.

“You girls get to be extras too- I arranged it – if that’s okay with you…” Mr. Walker said.

“OKAY?! That’s AWESOME!” Jen said.

“So who’s in this movie?” Carolyn asked praying the answer would be Brad Pitt.

“Michael Keaton, Kelly Preston,” Mr. Walker said ready to list people.

“Cool!” Taylor exclaimed.

“Please buckle your seat belts we will land within the minute.” A flight attendant said.

“Finally…” Zac sighed.

“Yeah, it was getting boring.” I agreed.

The plane landed smoothly, overall we had a good flight- just a little long.

“New York! I can’t even believe I’m here!” Jen said looking out the plane window.

“Boys, smile for pictures and only answer 5 questions, then run to the other end to the bus. I’ll get everyone’s luggage.” Mr. Hanson said.

“Dad, we’ve done this 5 times- we KNOW!” Ike said closing his laptop.

“Okay, I know- but just don’t lose the girls,” Mr. Walker reminded them.

We all stood up ready to get out of the plane.

“Brace yourself,” Zac said squeezing my hand tightly as we were about to walk out of the terminal.

“Uh- no!” Ike said splitting our hands apart.

“The media…” Tay explained to me.

“Right…” I reminded myself.

“Okay, just kind of walk in a clump,” Ike said.

Chapter 28