Chapter 22

I waited impatiently kicking the snow at my feet by the door when the door suddenly creaked open.

“TAYLOR!” I screamed hugging Taylor Hanson as he opened the door.

“ASHLY!” Taylor said spinning me around in his arms.

“I miss you so much!” I said.

“We missed you a ton, come in!” Taylor said opening the door wider so my whole family entered.

“Laura! Kyle!” Mrs. Hanson exclaimed seeing my parents.

“DIANA!” My mom said hugging Mrs. Hanson.

“Come on, everyone’s upstairs!” Taylor said so excited running upstairs.

When we reached the boy’s bedroom the door was opened so before entering Taylor took a deep breath.

“He’s waiting for you,” Taylor whispered to me.

I knew he was talking about Zac.

“I’m so ready!” I said pushing him into the room really excited.

I entered the room and saw Zac sitting on his bed with Claire looking out the window. Carolyn smiled at me and gave me two thumbs up.

Zac slowly turned and when his eyes finally saw me they grew wide.

“ASHLY!” He literally screamed.

He looked REALLY hot.

“ZAC!” I said as he ran to me hugging me.

“I missed you so much!” He said.

“I miss you too!” I said hugging him really tightly.

“Wow,” Chris said staring at me with Mike as their mouths opened.

“What?” I asked.

“You look…umm…” Chris started.

“Really hot.” Zac finished for them smiling at me.

“Oh please…she’s my sister!” Brandon said rolling his eyes.

“But we all know I look hotter,” Claire said sitting on Mike’s lap.

“Oh yeah baby…” Mike said enjoying the attention he was getting from Claire.

I just laughed, everything was finally back to normal- it was like…closure.

“Want punch?” Ike offered putting the tray down on his set of drawers.

“Sure,” I said taking a plastic cup.

I went over to sit on Zac’s bed and Zac sat next to me.

“I’m glad to be home,” Taylor announced.

“Me too…” Ike and Zac agreed smiling looking around.

“This is where we belong…at Christmas,” Zac said using one of his lyrics as it blared through the house.

“That’s my song!” Ike laughed.

“Whatever…” Zac disagreed.

“This is like my favorite CD…” Eve said smiling (referring to ‘Snowed In’).

“Mine too,” Claire smiled getting up and sat next to Zac.

“So how is my hat?” Chris asked.

“It’s good, I haven’t worn it much.” Zac said.

“Oh,” Chris said pushing it out of his mind.

“So meet any cool chics?” Jace asked.

“OH YEAH!” Ike said.

“Did you give them my number?” Brandon laughed.

“No way! He gave them MY number!” Jace said.

“If you want girls you can go over here and hand it out to all the fans,” Mike said thinking of the screaming girls always outside.

Chapter 23