Chapter 20

“Do you think she’ll come?” Zac asked suddenly with the Nintendo controller in his hand. (They were in their tour bus)

“Who will come? And come to what?” Taylor asked reading a book.

“Ashly- do you think she’ll come to the Christmas Eve party?” Zac asked.

“I don’t know, why don’t you call her and ask her?” Taylor asked as if Zac was the most idiotic person in the world.

Zac pondered on this awhile, he glanced at his watch and got up, “I think I will.”

“Ike can I borrow your cell phone?” Zac asked.

“No way!” Isaac said not taking his eyes off the computer.

“PLEASE!” Zac begged.

“10 minutes- but that’s it,” Ike said wanting his brother to suffer.

Spending every waking second with them was getting annoying all of the sudden. If one of them did something wrong- it affected the all 3 of them.

“YES!” Zac said running off with the evil scientist laugh.

He ran past Taylor to Ike’s bunk where his phone was and dialed my number as fast as he could.

“Please be home…” Zac thought to himself. After the phone had rung 7 times he hung up and sulked back to his Nintendo game.

“What did she say?” Taylor asked.

“No one was home,” Zac acknowledged disappointed.

“Oh…” Taylor said with disappointment in his voice also.

“Well, it’s only a week away!” Zac said trying to cheer himself up.

“Only a week…” Taylor repeated.

They were desperately homesick and were dieing to get out of the stupid bus.

Chapter 21