Chapter 19

DECEMBER 17th 1997

Our school bus pulled up after the High School’s bus once again pulled up before the Middle schools. I watched as Jen, Eve, Brandon, Jace, Lindsay, and Carolyn stepped off chattering- as usual. It was FINALLY Christmas break- we wouldn’t be going back to school until January 8th! After the High School bus left our bus pulled up and let us out.

“It’s good to finally be out,” Chris said wiping some snow off his hat.

“Yeah,” I said kicking it around.

We all walked down to my house passing all the screaming girls at the Hanson house and I wiped some snow off the top of the mailbox and got then mail.

“Anything interesting?” Lindsay asked me as I flipped through all our mail.

“It doesn’t look like- OH MY GOD!” I yelled staring at an envelope.

“What is it?” Claire asked.

“It’s from the Hanson Family!” I said jumping up and down with Jen.

“Come on open it!” Carolyn said excitedly.

I carefully opened the envelope and read aloud to everyone what it said.

“You are invited to Isaac, Taylor, and Zac’s

Christmas Eve Party to welcome them back home! It will be held on December 24th (1997) at 7:30 pm. In the Hanson household - please don’t be late and please don’t stop by to see them before. Thank you for all your support and love over the past few months. We are sorry we have not been able to write or call anyone because we have been so busy. Please stay safe this holiday and we hope you can make it to the party. God Bless! Love, Ike, Tay, and Zac. Oh! And Zac wrote something extra!” I exclaimed as I saw Zac’s messy handwriting on the bottom of the invitation.

“Well what did Zac write?” Claire asked.

“P.S. Happy Birthday Ashly- now we are 12! I miss you a lot- can’t wait to see you Christmas Eve Love, Zac.” I read aloud.

“I think Zac likes Ashly!” Chris proclaimed.


“ZAC’S GIRLFRIEND WHERE?!” a whole bunch of fans came running towards us.

We all ran inside our houses so the fans didn’t attack us.

The phone rang as soon as I got in the house, I ran to pick it up, but whoever called had hung up. Later we found out that ALL OF US had been invited to the Hanson’s Christmas Eve party! Lindsay and Carolyn took Eve, Jen, Claire, and I shopping for something to wear to the party- it was going to be so awesome!

Chapter 20