Chapter 18

“Okay Great Job guys!” A producer of ‘The Jenny McCarthy Show’ came up to the Hanson brothers and said.

“Thank you, it’s a great show,” Taylor said wanting to socialize.

“Thanks,” Ike said pushing Tay along. Zac was still dazed.

“Zac, Jenny McCarthy kissed you- get over it.” Taylor said really jealous.

“But she’s famous…” Zac said still in dreamland.

“WAKE UP! SO ARE WE!” Ike said.

“Oh my gosh- your right!” Zac exclaimed as if the idea just hit him.

Mr. Hanson shook his head in chaos. He could already tell that life was going to get more hectic then it already was.


“Hi I’m Carson Daly and let’s welcome HANSON to the studio,”


“Welcome to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and HANSON!”

“And you though it was insane with the Beatles- wait until you see Hanson and their fans!”

“Welcome to Good Morning America, we have Hanson here today,”


“Hanson has been MMMBOPING up the charts with MMMBOP, Where’s The Love, and now Weird!”


“Merry Christmas- and there’s no better way to be Snowed In then with Hanson’s Christmas album!”

That’s just a TASTE of the ‘Hanson Mania’ . If you said the word ‘Hanson’ screaming girls followed. And I somehow managed to get caught up in it. I hadn’t heard from Zac yet, but I wasn’t mad- I mean they WERE on every TV channel- I knew they were busy.

School had started back up and Mike, Chris, Claire, and I were the most popular kids in middle school just because we knew Hanson. Claire was telling everyone that her and Zac were going out- but I told everyone they weren’t. ‘Middle of Nowhere’ was number one on the charts all around the world. In November Hanson’s Christmas album ‘Snowed In’ was released.

Chapter 19