Chapter 15

“Ok, all done buddy!” I sat patting Zac on the back.

Zac whipped his head around so his braids smacked all over the place. He gave the ‘evil scientist’ eye and gave the ‘evil scientist’ laugh as he turned around to look at me.

I burst out laughing which made Taylor roll his eyes.

“Don’t you two have anything better to do?” Taylor said.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot!” I said ignoring Tay’s comment.

I pulled out the present I had for Zac.

“Here,” I said handing him the box.

“As long as it’s not a toaster, I’m okay.” Zac said.

“A TOASTER?!” Taylor asked, “Who the hell would buy you a toaster?!”

“I’m going to tell mom! And besides, every Christmas people give Mom a new toaster!” Zac threatened.

“Just shut up and open your present,” Taylor said.

Zac carefully took off the blue wrapping paper revealing a long box.

“A box! Just what I always wanted!” Zac said sarcastically.

“Look inside animal…” I said shaking my head smiling.

He took off the lid to the box and his eyes grew as he saw what was in the box.

“ASHLY! Are you insane? I can’t take these from you!” Zac said almost insulted but yet he was inside very touched as he handed the box back to me.

“No! Zac- I really want you to have them!” I said giving the box back to him.

Zac took the box back and picked up my lucky drumsticks that been inside. He felt the pink sticker that was wearing off of it.

“If I have yours, then you have to have mine,” Zac said unzipping a bag and pulling out his worn out lucky drum sticks with a scratch on the side of one.

He took a long look at them before placing them gently in my hand.

“Take good care of them,” He said looking me in the eye.

“I promise,” I meeting his eyes.

Our faces came closer and closer and suddenly our lips touched. We both pulled back in astonishment.

“Oh my God,” Taylor said looking at us.

“Tay, please don’t tell mom.” Zac pleaded.

“My little brother had his first real kiss before me! I don’t even believe it!” Tay whined.

Zac turned to look at me and smiled, I smiled back. He MUST like me…I can’t believe I just had my first kiss- it’s was…great!

Chapter 16