Chapter 12

It took us like an hour and a half to eat- maybe even two hours because there was so much cake, ice cream, pizza, chips, brownies, rice crispy treats and whatever else to eat. By the time we were done eating we roller bladed, and then just talked. Then it started to get dark and we played flashlight tag.

“WHOM did I just fall onto?” I heard Taylor whisper.

“Ashly…” I whispered back hiding from whoever was ‘it’.

“Oh, okay.” He whispered back trying to get off of me without making any noise.

“I’ll really miss you guys,” I randomly replied.

“I’m going to miss you too,” He said, I felt his arms wrap around me into a hug.

“Are you crying?” He asked hearing me sniffle.

“Yeah,” I said taking a shaky breath.

“Zac cried too.” Tay whispered.

“Zac CRIED?” I asked surprised.

“CHRIS! EVE!” I heard Mr. Frazier yell.

“JENNIFER! JASON! MICHAEL!” Mrs. Foss yelled.

“It’s JACE!” I heard Jace called.

Taylor and I laughed.

“CAROLYN! CLAIRE! TIME TO GO HOME!” Mrs. Lacey called.

“LET’S GO LINDSAY!” Mr. Jenkins had said.

“BRANDON!” I heard my dad yell for Brandon to come in, but not for me to come in. I thought that was really strange.

Before we knew it we were all saying good-bye to one another. Most of the girls were crying and hugging Ike, Tay, and Zac and most of the guys were wishing them good luck with the ‘chics’ and their music.

“I’ll miss you so much!” Jen said sobbing hysterically over Taylor.

“It’ll be okay…it’s only for a few months…” Taylor said soothingly.

Which made Jen cry even more, she lunged onto Taylor and buried her face into his shoulder.

“I love you,” She whispered so that only he could hear.

“Jennifer, let’s go!” Mrs. Foss said pulling Jen off of Taylor, “I’m so sorry Jordan.” Mrs. Foss had a thing for calling everyone by there first full names. I heard Zac and Ike start to crack up when she called him Jordan.

As Jace, Mrs. Foss, and Mike finally got Jen off of Taylor Jen’s hand slowly slipped out of Taylor’s. Silent tears of sorrow glistened off of Jen’s face in the moonlight as she pulled away from Taylor. Taylor’s eyes met Jen’s and his heart grew heavy.

“I’ll miss you Jen,” Taylor said shakily fighting back tears.

Jen couldn’t speak she could just cry as she was being pulled down the street.

“SEE YA ZACKO!” Mike yelled.

“BYE MIKE!” Zac yelled back.

“Oh Zac, your so cute- don’t let all the fame ruin you!” Lindsay giggled kissing Zac on the cheek.

“EW!” Zac exclaimed wiping off his cheek. Lindsay just started giggling some more.

“Well, I’ll see you later!” She said hugging Ike and Taylor.

“Bye Lins!” Ike called as Lindsay walked away. Lindsay was always optimistic so she wasn’t really sad that the guys were leaving- she just wished them luck.

Chapter 13