Chapter 11

Meanwhile Jen, Eve, Taylor, Isaac, Jace, Brandon, Lindsay and Carolyn were in the garage.

“I say we play spin the bottle!” Brandon announced like it was a genius idea.

“I agree.” Lindsay said setting her empty Dr. Pepper bottle down in the middle of their circle.

“Let’s just make ONE rule,” Jen said looking around.

“What is it?” Jace asked annoyed by his sister.

“If you spin and you land on someone the same sex as you or a family member- you spin again.” Jen said.

“I think I like that rule,” Taylor breathing a sigh of relief.

“Okay so who’s starting?” Ike asked raising his eyebrow.

“I say Carolyn…” Eve said knowing it would start trouble.

“Okay!” Carolyn agreed.

Ike and Tay both smiled and prayed that the bottle would point to them. Carolyn gracefully spun the empty bottle and it spun for a long time. Tay took this time to ponder about if the bottle DID land on him. He figured that it might be the only time in his life that he would get to kiss Carolyn so maybe he should make it a French kiss…finally the bottle came to a stop and landed on Taylor. Taylor almost couldn’t contain himself; he was so overwhelmed with happiness that he would get to kiss Carolyn! Carolyn got up and shot Taylor a weary smile. Taylor got up and leaned in closer to Carolyn and kissed her on the lips- but it was so quick he didn’t have time to slip his tongue in.

The kiss still satisfied Taylor; it also satisfied Ike- because that kiss proved that Carolyn didn’t really like Taylor that much. Taylor was in a daze.

“My turn!” Eve said about to spin the bottle. Just as she was about to spin it we all walked in.

“SPIN THE BOTTLE!” Claire said.

“No! No, no! That’s not it at all! We were playing some other game.” Carolyn said trying to cover it up.

“Yeah, it’s much cooler than spin the bottle,” Taylor agreed.

“MUCH COOLER.” Jen nodded.

“Whatever,” Mike said.

“Just go away,” Jace said.

“We’re supposed to be telling you that the pizza is here!” Chris said.

“Good cause I’m hungry!” someone said shoving my out of his or her way and I fell into Zac.

“Sorry!” I said starting to turn red in the face.

“It’s okay,” He holding back laughter.

Chapter 12