Chapter 10

That week went by faster than anything. Every single second spent with Zac was cherished in my heart because no one knew how long they would be gone. The day before the boys left Mrs. Hanson threw a neighborhood cookout and invited some of her family also to say good-bye to the guys since they had to leave REALLY early the next day.

“Ashly! Hurry up!” My mom yelled down the steps.

“COMING!” I yelled as I slipped my sandals on and ran down the steps.

“Come on- I know you will want to spend as much time as you can get with those boys.” My mom smiled.

I ran out the door not really listening to her with a present in my hand.

“She’s here!” Mike said putting his arm around me.

“Hey!” I said to Mike as he called up to Claire, Chris and Zac in the tree house.

“Ashly! Come grace us with your presence!” Chris joked.

“It would be my pleasure,” I laughed climbing up to the tree house with Mike following me.

Zac and Claire were in deep conversation and when they noticed I had come up Zac kind of glared at me and went back to talking to Claire.

“Is he mad at me?” I asked really concerned.

“Beats me.” Mike said.

“So what’s in the box? Did you bring me a present?” Chris smiled hopefully eyeing up long box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

“No…it’s not for YOU,” I said.

“It’s for me!” Mike said taking the box out of my hand.

“No- it’s for Zac!” I said raising my voice slightly grabbing the box from him.

“You got me something?” Zac asked surprised as his eyes lit up.

“Yeah!” I smiled.

“What is it?” He asked.

“I want you to open it later,” I said.

Zac shot a mean look at Claire and Claire shot a mean look to me, but Zac was smiling at me.

Chapter 11