Chapter 1
Follow The Doorlight

********* FRIDAY 9am **********

I sat there waiting for the school bus on the corner of our block with my blue backpack over my back with my drumsticks in my hand. I looked over towards my house and saw the Hanson boys playing football next door.

“I wish I was home-schooled,” I said aloud.

“Why?” My friend Claire laughed.

“Because! Look at how much fun they are having!” I said.

“Yeah, but look at how many friends they have besides us…” Claire pointed out.

“That’s true…we do have a lot more friends then they do.” I agreed.

“Carolyn thinks he is so hot,” Claire said changing the subject still looking in the direction of the Hanson house.

“Who?” I asked. Carolyn was Claire’s older sister who was 5 years older than us.

“Isaac,” Claire replied.

“Hey guys!” Jen said walking up.

“Hey,” Claire and I simultaneously replied still looking over into the Hanson’s yard.

“Admiring the Hanson boys are we now?” Jen laughed. Jen was 2 years older than us and rode our bus also.

“Oh shut up! The only people here anyone admires is me! Mike (Jen’s younger brother who was our age) said.

“Where are Chris and Eve?” Mike asked looking around for his best buddy, Chris.

“They are always late for the bus you nimrod!” Jen said.

Mike was the most popular guy in our grade. The bus pulled up as we saw Eve (who was Jen’s age) and Chris running to the bus stop.

********* The Hanson House 9am *********
“They are lucky- they get to go to school!” Taylor whined.
“Oh shut up- they go to school while we play football!” Ike replied throwing the ball up in the air.
“But Mom and Dad still teach us stuff that they teach in school,”11-year-old Zac replied.
“They get to ride a bus too!” Taylor whined watching all the other neighborhood kids who attended the local elementary and middle school.
“But all of my high school friends have to get up at 7 and get the bus!” 16-year-old Ike said trying to sound like a big shot.
“Big deal, the only friends you have that are in high school are Brandon Stokley, Carolyn Lacey, Jace Foss, and Lindsay Jenkins!” Taylor laughed.
“Shut up!” Isaac shot back tackling him to the ground.
“ISAAC! TAYLOR! ZAC! COME IN!” Mrs. Hanson shouted from her front porch.
“COMING!” The boys yelled throwing their football on the ground and racing each other to the front door.

Chapter Two