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A lupine of black pelt, with white paws and a white tip on his tail, sits 'pon his haunches, watching you. His dragon-like wings are curled up against his black pelt, which ripples in the wind, revealing his muscles beneath. Bright golden orbs reflect light in the darkness, while he watches you calmly, almost boredly. He jumps off the boulder and pads down to you, a smirk 'pon his maw. "'Llo," He says, deap voice boring into your very soul. "You are on my territory... You may stay, for the time being... I suppose." He said, turning away, and heading t'wards a cave. Turning back to see you following him, he asks, "Do you want to know about me? Alright then. If you don't, then please leave my lands. I do not have time to take care of stray humans. I suppose I can spare some time, if you must know about me." He beckons you forth, walking into the cave.

.:|My Past|:.

Coming soon


Name: Trenami
Alias: Tre
Mother: Unknown - alive?
Father: Unknown - alive?
Mate: None - somewhat looking

Pups: None
Species: Lupe
Hue: Skunk
Wings: Black Dragonish
Eye Color: Gold
Special Attributes: Golden wristband around left front paw
Gender: Male
Pack: None
Attitude: Mysterious, Secretive, Distant, Very Loyal once he befreinds you

Strength & BD Stats

Level: #LEVEL
Strength: #STRENGTH
Defence: #DEFENCE
Speed #MOVE
BattleDome Matches: #BD_PLAYED
BattleDome Matches Won: #BD_WON
BattleDome Matches Lost: #BD_LOST
BattleDome Matches Drawn: #BD_DRAWN
BattleDome Score: #BD_SCORE

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