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Welcome to my website! If you know who I am, you know how much I love my camera and that I'm obsessed with taking pictures...and if you've ever wondered how those pictures turned out, then you definitely came to the right spot!...Everything on this site reflects my life and my thoughts. What I write on this website is not to criticize or offend anyone.It's simply how I feel. You're entitled to your opinion- feel free to agree or disagree with what ever you may come across. I can't please everyone, nor am I trying if you don't like what you see, then please leave...This site is part of who I am...and I'm just being me...ME that can not be compromised and something that I will never ever apologize for being...

"DANCE as though no one is watching you, LOVE as though you have never been hurt before, SING as though no one can hear you, LIVE as though heaven is on earth." - Souza

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

LAST UPDATED: August 30, 2006.

*** WHO. AM. I. ***

People call me Fayfer, Faylet, Fifi, Fayeferino, Ayefa, Faymous, Honeydip and Criminal. I'm a singer. I'm a dancer. I love photography. I'm not easy. I've got my priorities figured out. Never physically pick me up. If it's beer: it's gotta be Corona. I love Cheesecake. I love anything zebra printed. Don't say you'll call if you won't. I'll take the hurtful truth over any lie. I hate being called cute. Confidence is always a turn on. Conceidedness is a turn off. Education is important to me. My family and friends mean the world to me. I'm obsessed with Starbucks caramel frapuccinos. As much as I'd like to, I never make it to the gym. Basketball is my favorite sport. My thoughts on chocolate - Mmm..mmm..mmm. I'm independent and driven. I'd die without music. I don't fear death. I don't care what people think of me. I'm up for a challenge. I can't live without laughter. There's never enough time - but if it's important, I'll make time. I believe in the power of fate. I want to be on the Price Is Right. I'd like to live in some tropical paradise. I love watching reality tv. My feelings define my style. Poetry is how I escape reality. You can call me a shopaholic. Sushi is damn good. I couldn't survive without a phone. I look forward to having kids. Mini donuts are the shit. I love my kicks. I don't enjoy, nor do I tolerate mind games. Ikea is where it's at. Communication is key. My greatest fear is dying lonely, without ever knowing what it was like to truly be in love.Everything is a learning experience - I live to learn. If you need me - I'll be here. I don't have all the answers about my life and I may never know all the answers. So I try not to question. I am blessed. And thankful for it. I'm always thinking about the future. Life is about choices and accepting all consequences. I choose and I take responsibility. I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. I'm not perfect. But I work with what God gave me. I can't be changed. This is what I'm about. But that's not all. The rest is for me to know and for you to find out..... THIS IS THE REAL ME.

*** ME. NOW. ***

I PUT MY FAITH IN: the one above
LIKEZ: optimism, humour, honesty, generosity, sincerity and trust
DISLIKEZ: selfishness, liars, haters, biters, gossip and superficiality

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."


"CaLL mE a BiTcH bEcAUse i SpEaK wHat'S oN My mInD..." - Christina Aguilera

Living in Denial


*** MY. PHOTO. ALBUM. ***

"I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment forever. I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together." - Mya

  • Miscellaneous
  • Hip-Hop & Funk Styles (2006)
  • Molson Revealed @ The Whiskey (July 2006) ~NEW~
  • Molson Promo @ The Whiskey (July 2006) ~NEW~
  • Roadhouse, Roadhouse, Roadhouse (July 2006) ~NEW~
  • The Calgary Stampede (July 2006) ~NEW~
  • Molson Promo @ Symons Valley Ranch (July 2006)
  • Mark & Amy's Baby Shower for Isabella (June 2006)
  • Jenna's Going Away Dinner @ Sandro's (June 2006)
  • Jenna's Birthday (June 2006)
  • Megan's Birthday @ Rose and Crown & Roadhouse (June 2006)
  • Steve & Marielle's BBQ @ The Marchalle-Mix Res (June 2006)
  • Coors Light Maxim Golf (June 2006)
  • Stakes is High (June 2006)
  • Boyz II Men Concert @ Cowboys (June 2006)
  • Nicole's Birthday @ The Met (May 2006)
  • Marielle's Birthday @ The Marchalle-Mix Res (May 2006)
  • Roadhouse (May 2006)
  • My Trip to Cancun (May 2006)
  • Franca's Going Away @ Kathy's & Roadhouse (April 2006)
  • Ladies' Night @ Amber's (April 2006)
  • Molson Promo @ Schanks (April 2006)
  • Bermuda Shorts Day (April 2006)
  • Kokanee Freeride Promo (March/April 2006)
  • Amber's Birthday @ Fuel (February 2006)
  • Sex Toy Party @ Andra's & Roadhouse (February 2006)
  • Meghan's Birthday @ Schanks (January 2006)
  • Shannon & Amanda's Going Away Dinner @ Joey's (January 2006)
  • DJ ?uestlove @ Tequila (January 2006)
  • Melissa's Birthday @ Brewsters (January 2006)
  • Thomas Lynch New Years Eve Party @ Devonian Gardens (2006)

  • Miscellaneous
  • Cherry Lounge (December 2005)
  • Christmas Party @ Chris & Clarence's (December 2005)
  • Alicia's Birthday @ Schanks (November 2005)
  • Star Choice Christmas Party @ The Hyatt (November 2005)
  • Hifi (October 2005)
  • Halloween @ Roadhouse (October 2005)
  • Back 2 Basiks (October 2005)
  • Pam's Birthday @ BPs (September 2005)
  • Paolo's Birthday @ Jupiter (September 2005)
  • Pubcrawl (August 2005)
  • Mine & Ange's Birthday @ Crazyhorse (August 2005)
  • Get Down 2005 w/ The Electric Boogaloos (July 2005)
  • My trip to Cancun (July 2005)
  • Marielle's Birthday @ Coyotes (May 2005)
  • Bermuda Shorts Day (April 2005)
  • Jeff's Birthday @ Tantra/Cowboys (April 2005)
  • Amber's Birthday @ Tantra/Coyotes (February 2005)
  • Sara's Birthday @ The Whiskey (February 2005)
  • New Years Eve @ Pierre's (2005)

  • Miscellaneous
  • Christmas Party @ Chris & Clarence's (December 2004)
  • Ken's Birthday @ Schanks (December 2004)
  • Star Choice Christmas Party @ The Hyatt (November 2004)
  • Melrose & Tantra (November 2004)
  • Pam's Birthday @ Bass Brothers (September 2004)
  • Olivia's Birthday (September 2004)
  • The Venue (August 2004)
  • Miles' Birthday @ The Venue (August 2004)
  • My Birthday @ The Whiskey (August 2004)
  • Get Down 2004 w/ the Electric Boogaloos (July 2004)
  • Bass Brothers (June 2004)
  • Nicole's Birthday @ Mynt (June 2004)
  • Bass Brothers (May 2004)
  • V8less Urban Battles (May 2004)
  • Kelvin's Going Away Dinner @ Earl's (May 2004)
  • Holla Back (April/May 2004)
  • Black Eyed Peas Concert @ The Whiskey (April 2004)
  • Bermuda Shorts Day (April 2004)
  • Amanda's Birthday @ Manhattan's (March 2004)
  • Skybar (March 2004)
  • Skybar (March 2004)
  • Amber's Birthday @ Coyotes (February 2004)
  • Daniel's Birthday @ Cherry Lounge (January 2004)
  • Melissa's Birthday (January 2004)
  • My House (January 2004)
  • New Year's Eve @ Mike's (2004)

  • Miscellaneous
  • Soul Vibe Tuesday @ Skybar (December 2003)
  • Ceili's (December 2003)
  • Christmas Party @ Chris & Clarence's (December 2003)
  • Nicole's Birthday @ Options (November 2003)
  • Halloween (October 2003)
  • Party @ Alicia, Janelle and Monica's (October 2003)
  • Mark, Dave & Matt's Pubcrawl (October 2003)
  • Ready or Not 2003 (September 2003)
  • Olivia's Birthday (September 2003)
  • Nikki's Pubcrawl (September 2003)
  • Chillin' @ The Girls' House (September 2003)
  • Janelle's Birthday Kegger (August 2003)
  • My Birthday @ The Cherry (August 2003)
  • Amanda's Cabin @ Gull Lake (August 2003)
  • The Embassy (July 2003)
  • Stampede (July 2003)
  • Cowboys (July 2003)
  • Canada Day @ Alicia, Erin & Janelle's (July 2003)
  • Canada Day BBQ @ My House (June 2003)
  • Erin's Pubcrawl (June 2003)
  • Shawn Desman Concert @ Mac Hall (May 2003)
  • Keg Party @ Colin & Janelle's (May 2003)
  • My trip to Puerto Vallarta (May 2003)
  • Party @ Erin's (April 2003)
  • Bermuda Shorts Day @ Cowboys (April 2003)
  • Shannon's Birthday @ Coyotes (April 2003)
  • Amanda's Birthday @ The Palace (March 2003)
  • The Palace (March 2003)
  • Amber's Birthday @ NYLA (February 2003)

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