A Change Of Heart

Chapter 4


Chapter 4
Nick and I got to the noisy restaurant and waited to be seated.

“So did you have fun today?” Nick asked.

“What?” I yelled over the loudness.

“Did you have fun?” he screamed back.

“Yeah.  You made it go by much faster though.”

“Yeah well, a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do.” Nick said, smiling at

“Oh really?” I said, with a devilish grin.


We were then brought to our table and eventually gave our orders.  Nick and
I talked for probably the longest I have ever talked to a guy before.  One
conversation would just lead into another.  And I was always one to be
afraid of having nothing to say on a date.  Well…not that this was a date or

“Wow!  It’s after 11!” Nick told me, looking at his watch.

“Is it really?!!?” I said.

“I guess we better go.” He said, putting the tip on the table.

I tried to pay for atleast my half of the dinner, but Nick refused.

We left the restaurant and even though it was pretty late, both of us
decided we weren’t tired yet.  We finally decided to walk around the cute
little town for a little bit.

We walked for awhile, just looking inside the windows of stores, all of them
closed by now.  Than Nick spotted a little park that had lights shining
around it.  We saw a few people walking their dogs (who knew people walked
their dogs at almost midnight!), and figured we would sit on the bench in
the park and just chill for a little bit.

We sat down and for the next few minutes there was no conversation.
Then Nick broke the silence, "So...."

"So.." I said, looking up at him.
"Tell me about yourself" he said.

I laughed a little, "What's there to tell?"

"I don't know, but it's a rule. Any girl that is in a video with me as my
girlfriend must tell me everything about them."

I just sat there, almost throwing up my dinner from laughing. Where does he
come up with this stuff?
"Alright, well what did the other girls tell you?" I asked him.

"Well.... you’re the first girl I am trying this rule out on. And if it
works well...well than...hopefully the rule will be a keeper." he said with
a grin.

"You are such a moron, Nick!" I said, still laughing.

"Hey now! You’re supposed to tell me about you, NOT what you think of the
person making the rules."

"Ok well.... let’s see. I'm 19.  I'm originally from New Jersey.  I always
wanted to act and hopefully I will get to do some movies or TV in the
future.  And that’s about it.” I said, not wanting to bore him by my boring
life.  “Now tell me something about you."

"Well, my favorite color is green" Nick said, smiling at me.

"I could have told you that! I could also tell you that your birthday is
January 28, 1980, and you have one brother, Aaron, and three sisters. Now
tell me something I DON'T know."

"Well, I got myself a little fan here, huh?” Nick said, intrigued that I
knew so much about him.

“Yeah well, Brian was always my favorite, so don’t be too flattered,” I
said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Nick ignored my comment and went on, “Umm…well....I really get lonely on the

"Really? Wow, I figured you guys would have a blast on the road. Ya know,
meeting all those girls, travelling all over the world….." I stopped and
thought for a second then said, "......playing all those video games on the
bus, " I continued, hitting him slightly on the arm.

"Yeah it's cool 98% of the time. I love what I am doing. I just wish
sometimes I could have a normal life....like you."

"Nick...don't EVER wish your life was like mine!"

"Why not?" he asked.

"Cause if your life was like mine then obviously you wouldn’t be a
Backstreet Boy, and if u weren’t a Backstreet Boy then I wouldn’t have a job
right now because I would have no one to be a girlfriend too in your video!"
I told him, trying to lighten up the moment.

He looked over at me and put his arm around me in a sort of headlock.

"Let's get out of here, Summer" he said, getting up, with his arm still
around me, but now around my shoulder….not around my head.

Chapter 5




(katy's e-mail ^^^*real main rite for the story*)

(karishma's e-mail ^^^)