A Change Of Heart

Capter 11


chapter 11-

As we walked out of the elevator it struck me.  The last thing I thought
about when I left this morning is Nick coming over.  My place was a mess!!! 
For all I know, I could have underwear hanging from the lampshade.  Maybe he
will realize he has to go somewhere else and---

“Nick, now that I think of it, I think you left your lights on,” I said,
trying to make him leave for a second to give me time to clean up.

“Oh no, my lights go off automatically.”


“Oh,” I said.

I opened the door and flicked on the lights.  I quickly picked up a few
magazines here and there, along with some tank tops and shirts.

“You don’t have to clean up for me, this place looks spick and span compared
to my place,” Nick said, trying to make me feel a little better about my

“Spick and span?  Nice wording, Nick,” I said, laughing.

“Hey- back in Tampa, that’s the kind of wording us Floridians use,” he

“Ok, ok.  I’m sorry,” I said, smiling.

Nick walked around examining my apartment.

“So does my place fit the Carter inspection?” I asked.

“It depends, what does your bedroom look like?” Nick grinned.

“Nickolas Gene Carter!” I said with my mouth open.

“Hey, hey,” he said, putting his hands up.  “You know I’m kidding.   I think
it is really cute.  My favorite part is…ummm….” He walked around some more,
looking for his ‘favorite’ part of the apartment.

He walked into the hallway where I had a picture of the time I had met Brian
in New Jersey.

“You met Brian before?”

“Yeah, it was about a year ago in New Jersey at one of your concerts.  My
friend and I waited by the gate forever, and finally Brian walked by.  It
was the best moment in my life,” I told him.

“Well, I am sure that changed after you met me, eh?” Nick said,

“Yeah, I bet,” I said back.

“You think Brian remembers you?”

“Nick…do YOU think Brian remembers me- ya know- since I talked to him for a
whole five seconds and all.”

“Right…” he said, thinking about all the fans that came and go.

We stopped talking so Nick could snoop around some more.

“What’s in here?” he asked, as he opened a door.

The door to my BEDROOM!  Ok normally I wouldn’t care if a guy went in my
room- but this was Nick Carter!  This was Nick Carter walking in my room----
when who knows how much underwear and other things I had lying around.  My
apartment was one thing- my bedroom was another.  I went to go stop him but
it was too late.

“Hahhahahhaha!” Nick laughed.

Oh man- did I have a thong or something lying on the floor?

“You little Brian obsessed freak!” Nick howled.

There’s another thing I forgot about my bedroom.

“You were really telling me the truth that night when you said I wasn’t your
favorite Backstreet Boy,” Nick cracked, referring to my Backstreet filled
walls, some of the other guys, but the rest mostly of Brian.  Oh Brian.

“So maybe I’m a fan,” I said defensively.

“A fan?  Can you say a stalker?” Nick cracked.

“Nick, I am not a stalker!” I said, hitting him lightly on the chest.

Nick sat on my bed, still laughing at the sight he saw.

When he regained himself from his laughing fit he looked around once more.

“You know what would be weird?” Nick asked.

“If Brian walked in this room and realized how much I liked him and than
fall madly in love with me?” I asked.

Wait did I just say ‘LIKED’ as in PAST TENSE?

“Umm yeah..how about no.  But could you imagine if like…we…uhh….did it….in
this room.  I mean like I did it in this room with ya…..like with all my
pictures all over?  That would be messed up,” Nick commented.

“I’m sorry Nick, I am not quite sure on what you mean by did it,” I said,
knowing what he meant, but wanting him to make a fool out of himself by what
he was gonna say next.

“Well…uhh,” he started to get red a little.  “You know….”

“No, I don’t know.”

“Sex, Summer.  SEX!  You know—you me..that corner right there.  Or no, how
about over there by that chair.  Hmm...come to think about it, how about we
try every single place in this room..or no, better yet, every single place
in this apartment!” Nick yelled, joking around, but kind of mad that I got
him embarrassed for that tiny majority of the time.

I fell on the floor laughing so hard my sides hurt at how Nick went off like

He sat back down on the bed waiting for me to settle down.

“But…but,” I said in between laughs.  “If we did it in every single place in
this apartment, what fun would that be?  I mean…you wouldn’t have pictures
of yourself to look at, like in here.”

“True..true,” Nick said.  “Guess we will have to stick to this room than.”

“So are you saying this is your favorite part of my place than?” I asked

“Only if we get to accomplish some things in here…ya know…the things that
would be weird to do in here with pictures of myself,” he laughed.

“Well, what about the elevator?  Didn’t you say you always wondered what you
could do in them?” I said.

“Well, there is always time to get two things done in one shot,” Nick said,
looking at me.

“Maybe for you buddy, me on the other hand…”

“You on the other hand what?” Nick asked, interested.

“Shut up Carter!” I said, throwing a pillow at him.

“Hmm…nice color,” Nick said, pulling off a red bra that was attached to the
pillow I threw.

I buried my face into my hands, and just shook my head.  I knew I couldn’t
get him out of my room without him finding at least one piece of underwear.

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