A Change Of Heart

Capter 10



“Can I drive you home?” Nick asked, after we arrived back to the studio from
our walk.

“Well, I drove here so I can’t leave my car,” I told him.

“Oh,” he said, disappointed.

I noticed how disappointed he was so I quickly said, “But if you want, you
can umm…come with me back to my place than I can drive you back here later,”

“Or I could just follow you to your house in my car,” he said with wide

“Even better,” I said.

I walked over to my black Honda Civic and got in the car and rolled down the

“It’s about 25 minutes from here so just make sure to stay behind me.”

“Ok,” he said, getting into his green Durango.

We were on the highway with about 10 more minutes until we were at my place,
and I was listening to my Backstreet Boys c.d.   As I re-played As Long As
You Love Me for the fourth time I heard someone honking in the car next to

I looked over and go figure.  There was Nick driving his car with the
passenger’s side window rolled down, honking his horn like crazy.  I put my
window down and then turned down my music a little so I could hear Nick.

“Hmm…Good choice of music,” he yelled over to me.

I yelled back, “Thanks.  It’s my favorite song by these group of boys I have
been working with for the past few days.”

“Yeah, yeah.  I know them.  I heard the blonde one’s single.” Nick yelled
back over to me.

“Oh yeah?  That’s cool, but blondes aren’t really my thing.  I personally
like the bad boys.”

“Well I can be bad,” Nick said, shaking his eyebrows up and down.

I laughed and than realized what Nick and I were doing.

“Nick pay attention to the road!  We’re almost at my place.  We can talk
than.” I told him, wondering why he even made me talk to him through the
windows of our cars.

“Fine. I guess you don’t want to talk to me,” he said, kidding.

“Guess not,” I smiled, and put my window back up.

Not even a minute later my cell phone rang.

Shit!  I totally forgot to call Abby to tell her about how the video shoot
was going!  She’s going to kill me. We grew up loving Backstreet Boys
together, so the least I can do is call her to tell her the latest news on
what has been going on with them.  Ahhh- I am the worst------than I realized
that my phone was still ringing.

“Shit” I said, as I answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Damn girl, took ya long enough,” said a voice I didn’t recognize as Abby’s.

I thought for a second of who it was than whispered in the phone, “Nick?” as
I looked over at his car, which was still besides me.

I saw Nick on his cell phone, and as I was looking at him, he looked back
over at me and smiled, while doing a cute little wave.

“You know it,” he said.

“Why are you calling me?  And why the heck did you make me talk to you
through our car windows two seconds ago?”

“Well, I couldn’t go that long without talking to you,” he said, slyly.

“Yeah right,” I snorted.

“What?  You don’t believe me?” he asked, innocently.

“Whatever, Nick.” I said.

“Well I told you that your cell phone number would come in handy, didn’t I?”
he asked.

“Yeah, but Nick-why did you call me?” I asked again.

“I told you.  I couldn’t go another minute without hearing your voice,” he
told me again.

“Well atleast we are talking and not avoiding each other.  Cause you never
know when one of us will go all weird on the other.” I said, referring to
the conversation of Nick calling us weird earlier that night.

“Hey-what did I tell you?  We get weird on each other TOGETHER.  That’s what
makes it so great, remember?” Nick said.

“Oh righttttt…” I said sarcastically.  “Get off the next exit Nick.  I’ll
talk to you when we get back to my place.”

He was about to say something, but before he could, I said bye and hung up
on him.

I finally pulled into the parking lot of my apartment, with Nick behind me.

I got out of my car as Nick got out of his.

“You know, it’s not nice to hang up on someone that called you,” he told me.

“Suck it up, Carter,” I told him as we walked into the building.

“Whoa, don’t we have a temper,” he said, smiling-of course.

“Keep it up and I’ll have to kick you out of my apartment before you even
get in there,” I said.

“Ok, I’m shutting up,” Nick said, putting up his hands in defense.

We got into the elevator and I pressed for floor three.

“So you like elevators?” Nick asked me.

I turned to look at him, only to see him with a serious face on.

I laughed as he looked at me funny.

“What?” he asked.

“Do I like elevators?” I said between laughs.

“That’s what I asked,” he said.

“I don’t know, do you?” I said, after realizing he really was serious.

“There fun, always wondered what you could do in them, though.  Besides
riding to the next floor, of course,” he said to me.

“Nick do I even want to know what you are talking about?” I asked.

“No, probably not.  Not yet, anyways,” he said back.

Did I ever say that this boy was weird?

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