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Ashley's Life
-*- Mistress oh Cheese -*-
Version 6.0

Last Updated: Saterday December 4th -- 5:30PM Updates in: UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Hey! Welcome to Ashley's Life. Yep My life! I'm just a regular 20 year old girl. Who felt the need to share bits and peices of her life with the world. I am a freshly UN ENGAGED girl, who thinks her Ex fiance, is a slimy lieing/cheating sneaking around, don't give a damn about anyone but my self toad, but I'm ready to get on with my life. I'm looking forward to metting new people and stop being depressed. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on that situation (if you even care) give you some random fun stuff I felt like posting, maybe some things of me, like my pet monkey, my pics, friends of mine, some poetry I wrote. Anyway's Enjoy your stay here, it's sure to be a great boring one... unless your one of those people who like to check up on me and see how boring my life is and then get releaved to know yours is so much more eventfull. Please Let me know what you think, sign the guestbook, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! Fell free to leave me some input!!! That's all For Now Folks! *MUAH* CIAO CIAO---Ashley

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