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Congrats Class of '04
Read about the graduates...

Norma Cortes

Hector Cortes

Eric Carrion

Christopher Perez

Judith Nuņez

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Graduation Party Pictures

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The Best Class in the World!


School's almost over and girls are scrambling to get the perfect dress to match her perfect shoes, while trying to decide what would be the perfect hair-do. The guys are getting their final fitting for their brand new tuxedoes and shining their shoes, and if you're anything like Chris, looking for the perfect hat to complete the ensemble.

There's a reason for all of this excitement. It Graduation time. You've worked hard for years--8 if you're graduating from grammar school, or 4 if you're a high school senior--and it's finally time to move on to a new chapter of your life.

There's nothing more exciting, or scary, than starting a new chapter of life as a graduate, but don't let that shadow the special moment you're about to experience. For that very reason, this site was created to celebrate the graduations of several students we're extremely proud of.

Congratulations Class of 2004! You finally made it!

Click on the links on the left to learn about each graduate.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook after you've checked out all the pages.

Hope you enjoy the site, come back soon for updates.

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