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fly away
fly away
fly away
fly away
24 November 2003

Fly Away ...

heya! welcome to mah webby!!!! isn't it cutie and gurly? yah i know it definitely IS!loliesh! i love it!this is my first webby evah! thankies ate jOy for all the help and patience. you so so rock gal!!muahz!!!muahz!!!muahz!!!

Anyhoo, lemme tell you stuffs about the owner of this webby who's none other than.. tantararaaaaaaaaaannn... ME!!!

i'm fRaNcIs CaMiLLe BoRrUeL gAiNzA. mah posse call me kIm,i know it's far from my real name but i dunno how my mom came up with that nick. anywayz, i was born on the 9th of sEpTeMbEr 1985 making me an eY-TeEn-Er now. Wheew! i'm a college sOpHiE at cEnTrO EsCoLaR uNivErSiTy taking up aB mAsScOmMuNiCaTiOn MaJoR iN bRoAdCaStInG.

i'm the yOuNgEsT among two sibs. my bro is nikko (don't even ask what his real name is, for sure you'll never stop laughing!!!! lolz!) btw, he studies at UST. OmG!!! he'll be graduating next year!!!. oh well, that's how fast time flies, just yesterday, we were little kids, playing around, and fighting about the most trivial things and now, we're both grown-ups, ready to face the reality of life.and by the way, we have two half sibs. i dunno anything about them, all i know is their names and that they are younger than us. met them just once, and that's LL... my mom raise us on her own. she's a strong woman. she has been through so many things and she passed it all up! i think being strong and having a great strength is what i got from her. i owe her a lot and i would always learn from her experiences...

There are lotza things that i am fond of. i like the color pInK and wHiTe , i find it really feminine. actually i like any pAsTeL color,PuRpLebLuE, pLuM, and the like... i collect magazines, specifically cAnDy and pInK, through this mag, i get to know what's hot and what's not! obviously, i love bUtTeRfLiEs!!!.i love eAtInG i crave for candies, cHoCoLaTes(ferrero rocher is mah fave!!yum! yum!!),buttered shrimp, lemon chicken, chicken cordon bleu, chicken, cHiCkEn, chicken... pizza, veggies, and my fave concoction... fRiEs dIpPeD iN mCfLuRrY oR hOtFuDgE. i still love watching fAiRyTaLes and playing kid's games with my friends, when we feel like being kiddos again. loliesh! i love dAyDrEaMiNg, i love kids, i love babysitting 'em! theyre so cute and adorable. there's still a kid in me, maybe that's why i love kids so much. i wanted to have a baby sister but i never got a chance to have one, so i just express my sisterly love to my baby cuzs. i love dancing, i love sHaKiNg mY bOoTy!! i like it when my friends do the jIg...JiG...!!!. fAsHioN is mah passion. i can't live without friends. i'm a happy person. i never let anybody see me crying. i want them to remember me as a person who is always sMiLiNg, LaUgHiNg, cRaCkInG JoKeS aNd kIdDiNg aRoUnD! i express my aNgEr through writing... i'm a JoLLy and BuBbLy gUrL. i love meeting new people, i love making friends. i love studying sPaNisH and sOcIaL aRtS but definitely NoT mAtH. i love taking pictures. i'm a cAmErAhUg. i'm a chaRmEd fAnAtIc. at first you may find me sNoB but not saying hi to you doesn't make me one. i'm just sHy when i'm with someone i don't really know but once you get to be mah pal, all your first impressions about me would surely change! i'm really TaLkAtIvE, i love kidding around my friends and most of the time with my bro and my cousins. i can't stand a minute nor a second without any word coming out of my mouth!. i'm a certified MaLLrAt, i love hanging out with my friends. i'm a kIkAY-KuLiT-FrIeNd. there is something PeCuLiAr in me, and that's for you to find out!! i'm frank, i sPeAk My mInD. i'm sImpLe, i'm a nAmBy-PaMbY gUrL. i'm easy-to-get-along with. i'm nIcE, i'm a fRiEnD, i love GoD, i love my FaMiLy, i love my fRiEnDs, i love my LiFe!!!. i am mE, i am MySeLf. i wanna make a difference. i wanna sPrEaD mY wInGs... i wanna fLy aWaY... like a bUtTeRfLy...

.:LeAvE yOuR mArK:.
vIeW mAh GuEsTbOoK
sIgN MaH gUeStBoOk
EmAiL mE hErE

.: sCrIb aLL Ya WaNt!! :.


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kEwL LiNkAgEs!!!
aTe eMs

LoTzA ThAnKiEs
i would like to thank ate joy...loliesh.. joy! yeah.. thank you joy for helping me out in my webby. sorry for the hassles and for bein so demanding at times. i really appreciate ur help. i love you joy! you're the best! this webby wouldn't be possible if nt because of you. muahz!