

We, the Geminis of CABALEN, imploring the aid of divine providence,
in order to establish an organization that will unite our strength to contribute actively
to the task of nation building, promote better understanding among other
student organizations, secure enjoyment of our social,
and academic liberties. Do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

To learn, to serve, and to promote better
understanding among other student organizations.

In order that our Capampangan students
be united in contributing to the task of Nation building.

One is for all and all is for one.


1. The word of the Capricorn Commander is the law.
2. I shall stand by my brother Cabalen right or wrong.
3. Secrecy.
4. Seniority.
5. Once a Cabalen, always a Cabalen.


Official Website
Our Preamble
Cabalen Bulletin
Photo Gallery I
Photo Gallery II
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