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Name: Duncan Mathew James
Nickname(s): 'Dunk'
Haar colour: Light Brown / Blonde
Augen colour: Blue
Geburtstag: 07 / 04 / 79
Favourite band/artist: Marvin Gaye
Favourite song: 'What's Goin On' by Marvin Gaye
Favourite album: 'Left of the Middle' by Natalie Imbruglia
What's in your Walkman?: 'Reservoir Dogs' film soundtrack
Favourite book: Catcher In The Rye
Favourite film: The Fifth Element
Favourite meal: Any seafood
Favourite drink: Cranberry juice
Favourite smell: Cool water
Favourite TV show: Friends
Favourite actor: Brad Pitt
Favourite football team: Arsenal
Favourite clothes store: Levis
Favourite colour: Red

                                         DUNCAN'S ASTROLOGY:

(How the planets have shaped Duncan's personality)
We've taken a fast track through Duncan's star chart to reveal just what it is that makes him do what he does, what turns him on, makes him laugh, or sparks off World War 3 in that hot head of his.
Our Duncan's got a competitive streak a mile wide and this is because of the Sun in Aries (yeah right!). This guy's so completely fixated on fame, he doesn't really care two hoots about the fortune that might come along with it. Failure just doesn't figure in Duncan's vocab!
He's also got tremendous leadership qualities (that's the Sun in his first house!), bags of energy, but the downside to this is that he might teeter on the brink of being a bit of a control freak at times. Duncan loves structure and order and can get a tad edgy if he feels things are slipping from his control.
Meanwhile, if you were wondering what effect the star might have on Duncan's career, his Sun in Neptune means that his mission's always going to be to share his creative visions with as many other peeps as possible.
Duncan adores life and just can't get enough of it. The position of the Moon in his chart reinforces his leadership qualities (and indicates he might even like to dabble in politics later in life), as well as highlighting Duncan's directness. When this guy's feeling something, he lets you know pronto. He's not the subtlest bloke on earth but all in all he's looking for a happy emotional world to put his heart and soul into.


Duncan's astrology courtesy: officialblue

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