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The History of Video Games!

For as long as most of us can remember, video games have been a major staple in every child's life. Made up of tons of varying consoles and thousands of video games, the possibilities are nearly endless. This site pays tribute to all consoles (and handhelds too) - not just the most popular or the newest, but every console from the Sega Saturn (which was a horrible failure) all the way to the big boys of today like the PS2.

So sit back and relax and prepare to learn something dammit! Who said video games weren't educational?

Choose your weapon:

Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Super Video Arcade
Super NES
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Sega CD
Sega Saturn
Sega Game Gear
Playstation 2
Nintendo 64
X-Box 360
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo Gameboy
Nintendo Gameboy Color
Nintendo Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP

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Copyright 2006: Brandy L. Shaul - all text from here on in is the work and property of Brandy Shaul (unless otherwise noted)and can not be copied or changed without permission. Failure to abide by these terms will result in her coming to find your scrawny video game nerd butt and beating you to pulp!