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The 25th Wedding Anniversary of Keith and Elizabeth Adam

Arriving at the Celebration
Keith and Elizabeth - The Guests of Honor
Group Photos
Friends and Family at the Celebration

On July 7th, 1978, Keith Richard Adam and Elizabeth Dawn Kerr were wed. On July 6th, 2003, a celebration was held at the Cedar Hill Golf and Country Club in Barrhavan, Ontario honoring the 25th year of their fabulous marriage. This website has been designed so that anyone can visit and share in the happiness that was had by all that attended the great celebration. Right now, there are photos and tidbits of information, but in the future we hope to possibly even have small video and/or audio clips so you can see just what the celebration was like! Thank you very much for visiting our website, and we hope that you enjoyed your time here. Come back again any time! Sincerely, The Adam Family
