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Title: The Saturday Show Extra
Date: 23 March 2002
Source: Transcript
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Topic: Article/Interview
Type: Transcript
Location: UK

Guy: How long have you been in the UK?

Aaron: We've been in the UK for about 3 days.

Guy: 3 days and how you feelin'? Are you over your jet lag?

Aaron: Oh yeah, I got jet lag but it's going away now.

Guy: What do you love most about the UK Aaron?

Aaron: About the UK? Right now the weather is really nice.

Guy: It was a beautiful evening last night.

Aaron: It was awesome, it was very great.

Guy: What did you get up to in London last night?

Aaron: What?

Guy: What did you get up to in London last night Aaron? I'm sorry about the noise. It's Britney...

Aaron: Britney's here!

Guy: Britney karaoke contestants are actually rehearsing over there.

Aaron: Wow.

Guy: And you of course have met Britney Spears many, many times.

Aaron: Yeah, she very nice... very nice.

Guy: So what did you get up to in London last night Aaron?

Aaron: Well last night, we went out to eat and we skated around on skateboards and we just you know, had a good time.

Guy: And you're over here for quite a special reason, is that right? You're over here for the film - Jimmy Neutron.

Aaron: Yep, for the Jimmy Neutron film - and were promoting it and my new single 'Leave It Up To Me' which is all for Jimmy Neutron, it's on the soundtrack too.

Guy: Oh and you know what? The tracks called 'Leave It Up To Me'? Let's look at a clip of the video for 'Leave It Up To Me', right now.

Aaron: Alright, enjoy.

**They play LIUTM**

Guy (with a picture of Aaron in front of his face): Hi, I'm Aaron Carter, I thought I'd interview myself today. Aaron, you were in a band when you were six years old, how did you get into music being so young?

Aaron: Well when I was six years old, I was in a band called Dead End and it was great. Hahaha!

Guy: Don't you just love television Aaron? So, you have the most exiting showbiz, starring lifestyle in the whole world, what is the best thing about being Aaron Carter?

Aaron: The best thing about being Aaron Carter - or me prefferably (laughs) is that I can travel all over everywhere, you know. I don't wanna brag or nothin' but I've been to Malaysia, Singapore, you know, Asia, England, Europe, Germany. All those places, and it's been the most exciting life that a 14 year old could ever have.

Guy: When did you release your first single?

Aaron: My first single, Crush On You, I was eight years old.

Guy: Eight years old... and you're now 14?

Aaron: 14.

Guy: You must feel like a veteran of the game now!

Aaron: Well I was doing an interview in America for I don't know what show it was... (laughs)

Guy: (interrupts) Gutbusters, did you enjoy Gutbusters?

Aaron: Oh yeah!

Guy: Is it true that you beat Big Show?

Aaron: I beat him.

Guy: That is unbelievable dude.

Aaron: I beat Big Show!

Guy: Have you ever seen a bigger guy in your life?

Aaron: Yes I have.

Guy: Was he human?

Aaron: He was Shaquille O'Niel.

Guy: Oh right okay, Shaquille O'Niel is huge. A basketball player from america, he is just insanely huge. Aaron thank you so much for coming in and speaking to us, good luck with the film, good luck with the single.

Aaron: Thanks man, enjoy it!

Guy: Big love!

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