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Title: Ask Aaron
Date: May 2002
Source: Sugar Magazine
Source: Submitted by generationhansonextreme
Topic: 2002 Article/Interview
Location: UK


The Girl Thing

So Aaron, what's the best way for a girl to win a boy's heart?

I think it's all about having mutual respect. I need to understand where a girl's coming from and she's got to appreciate that I've got a career. I work hard and I'm away a lot, but that doesn't mean I'll stop thinking about her.

OK, so when you're around, where's the best place to go on a date?

I love Santa Monica in California because you're guaranteed to get good weather and have a great time. I'd definitely recommend it to any British girls!

Hmmm, but what if us Brit gals can't fit a trip to Santa Monica into our hectic social lives, Aaron?

Well, in that case, the best thing to do on a date would be to head out for some slap-up food and fine conversation. It doesn't matter where you are in the world - there's nothing quite like tucking into a hearty meal in a nice restaruant with someone special.

But how hard is it for you to go on a date?

It's difficult for me 'cause there's always someone ready to sell their story to the tablouds. It's a shame, 'cause in any relationship you need trust - but that's something that can take a while to gain.


Talking of kiss 'n' tells, when do you know the time's right to pucker up?

Say what? Oh, you mean kiss, right? Well I think it's all about judging the situation. You've got to look for those signals - y'know, the hair-flicking, the smiles and the flirting. But there's no time-scale on when you should kiss someone.

Right, so what kind of things don't boys understand about us girls?

Well, forget all the usual stuff that boys say about girls going to the toilet in pairs - what I really don't understand is why girls are so fascinated by boys with belly button rings! Don't get me wrong, I do love belly button rings on girls - but I think I'll pass on getting one done for myself!

OK, apart from us, who do you usually talk to about relationships and stuff?

I've got a good friend who I talk to about everything. He's been my best buddy for years and I can talk to him when things are going well and when things aren't so good.

So you've had girl problems?

For sure! When I was 13, I found out that a girl I'd been seeing for a year had gone off with another guy. It was really hard, but then I realised that there's no point wasting time on one girl. I said to myself, "Aaron, you've just got to move on". So I did!

Why do boys find it so hard to say "I love you"?

Y'know, I don't think it's always necessary to say it. I think girls can sometimes get a bit obsessed by those three words, when really you can show you love someone in more ways than that.

Mate Massive

What does a boy really mean when he tells a girl, "I think we should just be friends"?

I know this sounds a bit cruel but, to be honest, I think it means he's met someone else. Either that or he's missing hanging out with his friends.

D'you find it hard hanging out with your mates like a regular guy?

Yeah, it is difficult 'cause I don't know who's watching me and who's ready to report my every move.

And how do your mates cope with your fame?

They're really cool about it. I move around a lot, so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. They've been my friends for years and I think they understand that I can't be there all the time.

So how important is it for lads to have "guy time" without the girls?

Oh boy, it's very important. You need time with the guys to chill out, head to the beach, and play sport and stuff. Girls shouldn't be jealous if their boyfriends want to hang out with their friends.

But when they're on the beach, don't boys just end up ogling lots of babes in bikinis?

Maybe they do, but it's usually just harmless. Boys like to see a bit of flesh, I suppose. Personally, I prefer girls who have a fuller figure.

The Fame Thang!

Ok, fill us in - what's it like being mega-famous?

It's great! I get to see loads of different places and meet lots of peoplem but it is hard being away from my family so much.

How much do you feel that you're in the shadow of your older brother, Nick?

I'll admit that it's hard, but I've learnt to live with it. We see each other all the time, hang out at the pool, and have a laugh together.

And what's the best advice Nick's ever given to you?

It's to always be there for your fans. It doesn't matter what anyone says - your fans are the important ones. They're the ones who buy the records and they're the ones you're doing all this for.

So how determined are you to reach your goals?

Gee, I'm very determined. I want to be up there with everyone else. It doesn't matter what you do in life, you should always be determined to make a success of it.

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