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Title: When I Grow Up... by Aaron Carter
Source: Top Of The Pops Magazine
Source: Submitted by nike_child12
Date: 1998
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

He maybe just a wee nipper of ten but Aaron Carter thinks B-I-G. So big in fact, he's set his mind on universal domination by te age of 18 and has a treat for Kev BSB up his short sleeves...

So litte fella, what job would you like when you're Nick's age?

I'll still be a singer but I'll be performing with Nick in front of 200,000 fans back home in the States. I'll play my red and white guitar like this, 'Diddlediddledeeeee!' (Leaps off his seat and plays his imaginary geetar in true rawk god stylee.) The stage will be awesome and futuristic. We'll pop up through the floor like Nick did on his last tour.

Will the other BSBs join you?

Brian will play his guitar and Kevin can be the bodyguard.

Because he's big and scary?

(Shrinking back in the chair and nodding his head furiously.) Uh huh!

Would you like to be the first pop star to perform on Mars?

Yeah! I'd float around in the air like this, 'Wooooah!' (Leaps off his seat and bounds around the room in slow motion.) I'd hate to get stuck there though. My oxygen would run out and I'd die!

When you're a fully-grown 18-year-old, would you like to be tall like Kev or small and cuddly

like Howie? I wanna be extra tall like Michael Jordan (v tall US basketball player) and I wanna have huuuuge muscles.

Michael Jordan can jump really high...

Yeah, but I'll train myself to jump over five feet into the air (nearly as tall as Lee 911) and with special spring sneakers I'll jump ove ten feet (nearly as tall as Kevin BSB on long stilts)!

Will you have a mad haircut and crazy clothes?

I'll have red and white hair to match my guitar and I'll wear a silver space suit. Did you know aliens are gonna land in the year 2000? (Erm, no...) They've probably set off in their space ships already.

What will you do if they land in your back garden?

I'll kill them first then steal their spaceship. Did you know if you kill an alien its brain will pop out and hit you on your face? (Hmm...)

Will you change your name when you're 18?

No! I like my name but the other week I met this German kid who's had his hair dyed and cut like mine and changed his name from Eric to Aaron. Wierd. He looks exactly like me except his eyes are blue.

What do you think you'll be allowed to do when you're 18 that you can't do now?

Go to bars and drive a car. Wow! I'm gonna buy a Lamborghini and a jeep like Kevin's. I'll be a careful driver like Nick.

Will you get a tattoo done?

Maybe just a small 'A' on the stole of my right foot. (Thinks for a minute before freaking out.) Argh! That's gonna hurt!

You've got boats and jet skis moored on the lake outside your house. Will your dad let youtake them out on your own when you're 18?

I do that anyway. I'm an expert. No other kid in Tampa knows how to ride jet skis like I do. I can do a 360 turn and my dad can ride his jet ski underwater. He gets water up his nose every time. I hate it when that happens but I love sneezing. At least you don't have to pick your nose then. (As he pause for breath there's time to get another question in!)

What's the worst thing about being small?

The fact that I can't drive yet. I've got my own quad bike though. It's ten times easier than my motorbike but it's very dangerous. It tripped over on me the other day and I was squashed underneath it for 15 minutes. My sister Lesley had to rescue me.

What kind of house will you live in when you're grown up?

An apartment in London. Actually I'll own this apartment (looking round the posh hotel suite we're currently lounging in) and I'd have sweets flowing out of the taps instead of water. Imagine bathing in sweets!

Will you still keep iguanas, or 'dinosaurs' as you call them?

Yep, Babyface and Mariah Carey. My dad says he's gonna give them to me when I'm 18.

And if you have time in your hectic schedule will you try your hand at another career?

Yeah! (Aaron's eyes nearly pop out of his head) I'll open up a sweet shop!

But you'd eat all the stock!

No, I'd sell it and then buy even better sweets just for me!

Maybe you'll invent something!

I wanna invent a new drink called Sludge. It'd be mixed with (leans across and whispers) I can't really tell you the ingredients, it's secret. (Proceeds to tell us the ingredients.) It'd be made of every soda possible and mixed with lots of sludgy ice.

Like Slush Puppies?

No. It'll be extra slurpy and sludgy! And it'll be my favorite color - green!

And finally, will you have zillions of girlfriends hanging off your arm?

(With a 'dont't be so ridiculous' face.) Nah. I'll be way too busy like Nick is. I'll probably wait a while, then get married when I'm 30.

Hmm. Watch this space...

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