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Title: Whizz kid!
Source: TV Hits
Source: Submitted by nike_child19
Date: Feb 98
Topic: 1998 Article/Interview
Location: UK

Aaron Carter loves his computer games, so we treated the li'l fella to a day out at London's sega world. Kerrraaazzzzy!

So Aaron, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?

I guess it was a while ago when I went down the store to get some candy without asking my mum. And on the way there we found a little kitten by the road so I ran across to save it from getting hit. I got in a lot of trouble from my mum for that, I can tell you!

Do your friends think it's crazy that you're a pop star?

They don't really know exactly what I get up to, so to them it's just a job. They don't see the real crazy side of it, the girls and the concerts and stuff.

Do you go for crazy girls or serious girls?

It really doesn't matter to me, just so long as they're nice!

Ever played any crazy tricks on anyone?

Not that I can remember, but we used to have this babysitter who would chase us all round the yard with a fake knife and it was real scary 'cause he did it at night!

Who's the craziest person you know?

AJ - he's really crazy! He like walks around going, 'Mmmblllbrrb' (strange mumbling type noise) and pulling all these wierd kinda faces, AND he always wears sunglasses - even indoors! But he's really good fun, too!

What famous person would you go crazy over if you met them!

I don't know about going crazy, but I'd be really impressed and excited to meet Michael Jackson - I love his music, he's really cool.

Have you got any crazy hobbies?

Well, me and Nick made up this sport where we take a big bucket and put an apple on top of it, then we have to throw cans at it to knock it off. We haven't actually played it yet - we've only just made it up! (?)

Do you go crazy if you don't win when you're playing computer games?

I'm usually quite calm, but I do get very frustrated if I keep on losing, so I'll play it about two or three times, then quit.

Who's the craziest, you or Nick?

Nick! But maybe I'll get as crazy as him when I'm older! Nick's crazy on paintballing at the moment. A while back he was playing in a paintball war and he got hit on his leg by one of the paintballs. He had four pairs of pants on, but it went through all his trousers and his underwear and he got a real huge cut and bruise.

Do you think you'll get fed up of all this pop craziness one day?

Probably not. I love what I do and I think I'll want to do it for a long time yet. I can't ever imagine getting bored...

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