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GET READY FOR A HUGE UPDATE!!!!! I'm changing this WHOLE website I mean almost the whole website not exactly all...

February 1, 2002
Anyways, I'm into spelling words right and USHER!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE USHER!! He can sing and he can dance and he has the best abs ever and he does this all while being INCREDIBLY HOT!!!!!!!!!!! I also love J14 magazine because the have an Usher poster in their magazine!! I'm also very very very very very very very very very happy because I saw Anthony last night!!! I still miss you! Usher may be the most HOT singer there is but no one will ever replace you!! What up again yo more news me and Cassie are great friends and we like to call Chris B. Midgit Michael Munchkin!!! Cassie is going on the ski trip and she's on the same bus as ROBBIE!!!!! Also, they rescheduled it to next week!! HOW CAN YOU POST-PONE THE PASSIONS OF TRUE LOVE???????? I ASK YOU THIS!

What up Pottsville? This is Maggie at around midnight between February 1st and 2nd and HUNGRY as hell!! What's that you say? Eat something you say? Okay! I love KaZaA!!! I have everything an extremely odd-opinioned preteen like USHER, COLDPLAY, NO DOUBT, BEETHOVEN, FUEL, *NSYNC, SHAKIRA, LIFEHOUSE, CREED, ALICIA KEYS, DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, and SPONGEBOB plus many, many more!!!!!!!!

Tell me why people stare at you when you stand out. If a rainbow trout lived in Antarctica with penguins, no one would care! Why is it different with colors and races and weirdness levels? Don't stare at different people! They probably share some interests with you or SOMETHING! Back off the outcasts!

What up Pottsville! This is Maggie at 1:38 PM on September 28th I think... well anyways if anyone saw 100 sexiest artists last night they would've known that I WASNT ON IT!! take a look at me and tell me i'm not incredibly sexy! I deserve to be at least number 50... up there by USHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I'm a sexy artist! i sing! i draw! i dance! why can't i be on the top 100?

U know, some day I'm gonna be famous (if you've heard me sing you'll believe me) and u all will ask me for my autograph and I'll say YES because I'm that kind of person. Ya know i write my own music and i sing it, arent i cool? I'm gonna be a singer and then a Hollywood photographer. My friends are really interesting people because they know what they're gonna do and they're gonna do it! Cara's gonna be a director, and I will be the director in photography for her movies, obviously! Angus is gonna be an architect, and he's really into that stuff believe it or not lol and i asked him if he was gonna build angus-sized biuldings but he said no... i dont think shakira knows what she's gonna be... boris is gonna be an actress in cara's movies... isn't that peachy?

Who thinks I should shut up?

TOO BAD!! U know those lil' expage websites? never get one of those! there's a lot of pop ups and they erase you if u don't update it every five seconds! never get one!

Are you going to college?

And now it's time for song lyrics you usually can't understand with maggie!
This week's song lyrics are SHAKIA: OBJECTION (TANGO)
I wish there was a chance for you and me
I wish you couldn't find a place to be away from here.
This is pathetic and sardonic.
It's sadistic and psycotic.
Tango is not for three, was never meant to be.
But you can try it, rehearse it, or train like a horse.
But don't you count on me, oh don't you count on me boy!

I love that song!!

You will find that a lot of the lyrics are gonna be P.O.D. and Shakira... I love their music, that's it okay? you will also see USHER, Puddle of mudd, Crazy town, gorillaz, Justin Timberlake and more so ha!

SHAKIRA: Thank you!!! I want more leaves!!!
LEIGHA: My boyfriend lol!!!
ALYSSA: Come to the dances!!!
CASSIE: Wow! How are you surviving without boys?
DOMINIQUE: Stop talking!
TIM: girly!
ALEX:Ya voice sounds funny!
LAURA: I wish you were near!
SAM: I MISS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHAKIRA AGAIN AGAIN: He is twisted!!!!!!!
KYLE: Homeroom sucks!
RANDY: Beached whale
ANGUS: Man, you're twisted!
CARA: I got Eda-Mame a new dress and she's wearing a hairpiece now! It's her party outfit!
ERIKA: No hate!
BECKY: No hate!
TIFF W: No hate!
ASHLEY: Hiss!!
SARA: No hate!
JAY: That was hilarious w/ the popper thing!!!
JEN: How are those dances coming along?
MISSA: I still can barely do that handshake!
MEGAN: Same!
BRIAN: Fatty! LOL!
FIFI: My new daughter LOL!
ASHLEY P: U leave everything everywhere!
ARIIELLE P: Man, occasionally u actually look like a girl!
ARIELLE F: I hope you can act!
BORIS: same!
BREE: Cool hair!