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Good day citizens. You have reached Cat's page, courtesy of Angelfire. Here you will be able to explore the innermost psyche of Cat...or not because that would be entirely too scary for internet. Instead, I will bore you with tiresome accounts of everyday life in Reading, Pennsylvania (pronounced redding, not reeding), the most wonderful place on Earth! More on that later.
For anyone who wants to talk to moi, I can be reached by my new address,, or on AIM as catforprez.

This webpage is... UNDER CONSTRUCTION! This means I will occasionally come back and make changes, wondering what the hell I was doing in the first place when I wrote what I did back then. If you can understand that, then I congratulate you, you probably have a website of your own.

For those of you who wish to contact me, use the following name. It's not my real one. I am currently under the witness protection program because of dealings in Wernersville, home of the...well I'd better not go into too much detail...until I get to go through that stargate to my real home, it's under wraps.

Why to Visit Cat's Website

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