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By: Uri & Eitan

On October 12th,Two Israeli reservists Yesef Avrahami and Vadim Novesche, take a wrong turn on their way to their base and our arrested by Palestinian "police".

Shortly afterwards they are beaten to death by a mob with picks, hammers, rifle butts,rocks etc..
shouting "kill the jews" and "allah achkbar"

Avrahami and Novesche were beaten, stabbed countless times, their eyes were gourged from their sockets and literally disemboweled and dismembered with the attackers' bare hands. Then the filthy animals of Ramallah threw one down to the waiting mob down below where his face was further crushed with stones, feet, fists and even a heavy metal window frame.

During this ordeal you can clearly see Palestinian "police" stand by and do nothing as the Israelis are being killed..In a true showing of how sick and cruel the Arab animals are..during the stabbing of one of the soldiers in the police station,his wife called him on the cell phone, only to be answered by an Arab pig who said "I just killed your husband"

One of them was set on fire and dragged along the street as the other Moslem psychopaths danced and cheered like the sick animals they are

The body of the soldier (still alive) is pushed from the window of a Ramallah police station to a waiting mob below.


This sick animal shows proudly his bloody paws after he just killed an Israeli Soldier,may his blood be avenged!(Update: Reports from the Israeli army have said that they have "elimanated" this young man,I think we can take that to mean they exacted revenge for the oldiers death)

." Soon after the lynching the Israeli Air Force attacked the police station and TV tower,and Arafats headquarters,however the Israeli Air Force pre-warned all the Arabs about the strike,The Israeli Air Force SHOULD handle these animals accordingly,For every Jew killed they should kill thousands of Arabs.

It's time the world realized that the Arabs are playing games with the International media, They make themselves look like the victims by marching their kids infront of bullets to the death..Luckily camares secretly caught this barbaric act or the world would not have a small glimps of what these animals are capable of

In fact several years ago another car with several Israeli soldiers was blocked by an angry Arab mob

One of the soldiers, was dragged onto the street. Here he was beaten with fists and stones. Fortunately for him, several photographers came on the scene, their very presence may have saved the young man's life. Also, fortunately for him, Israel had then no Palestinian "peace partners!"

It's time for people to face reality,The Arabs do not want peace, they just want pieces of the Jews and their land, piece by piece!!

It's time for self-hating, Leftist Peace Now dreamers and others to see that the Arabs are brutal animals,If you are one of these Leftist Peace now dreamers who believe that Israel is oppressing the "poor arabs" by not giving them a homeland and that the Israeli Army is brutally attacking their young children then click on this picture
not for the faint of heart
and ask yourself if you can make peace with animals

normal Israelis MUST learn from this that they will never have, nor should they ever expect to have, peace with these vicious baboons.

'I'll have nightmares for the rest of my life'
   By Mark Seager

See the palestinian way to treat their fellow
palestinians who are suspected to help the Israelis

A Letter from Shoshana about the Lynching:

Dear All,

I'm so tired I'm not sure if I have the strength to write this - but I know how important it has become to all of you - and me, as well. Daniel just called. He's okay, Baruch HaShem. He sounds so tired and doesn't know when he will be coming home. He assured me that he has been trained to handle all of this and that he is fine. I wish I would have had some training - because I am not.

So, first I was so thoroughly filled with horror when I heard of two precious soldiers got caught in Ramallah. I didn't know where to put myself. I only pray that those two boys died quickly and didn't have to go through too much pain and suffering. The pictures on the television are beyond a nightmare - somehow I felt that we were living through a holocaust - Nazis couldn't have killed them with more hatred. And then I got so angry when I heard that we finally retaliated. Anger at Barak and all of our great leaders - why did two boys have to go through all of this for him to finally do what he should have been doing all along? Why did it take this? Why did this have to happen before he would do something? Why - the world would condemn us? The peace process might die? We might be at a state of war with the Arabs? Why, why, why???? What have we been waiting for - and what will have to happen before we do what really has to be done? When will everyone's eyes finally see what we have seen for so long? The painful reality of knowing the truth and so many others choosing not to know the truth is what really eats me up. Let us do what we have to do. We know how to put an end to all of this - let's just do it already. Why do more of our boys have to die first?

So, there are some that would say that I have become hysterical. I don't know - maybe I am. Or maybe it's the "cry" that seems to have become a part of my daily routine. Maybe it's the madness. All I know is that from the outside - I did my shopping for food, put up some chicken, bought my paper goods, made sure that everyone's shirts were pressed, etc. - just a normal pre-Yom Tov....

I love you all. Sorry if I ranted a little too much. I feel a little better now. Thanks for listening.



Final Thoughts: The savages of Ramallah may have taken away the lives of Yesef Avrahami and Vadim Novesche but not their brave Jewish souls. We ask that all visitors to this web page take a "moment of silence" to honor these fine Jewish soldiers and to say a prayer for all the other brave men and women of Israel's Defense Forces.