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Chat Transcript from

soulDecision Moderator: We'll be starting our chat with soulDecision in a few minutes!
DEE: Hey SD, In the song "Baby Come Back", what is the voice saying before the song begins?
soulDecision Moderator: OK, we're ready to start!
soulDecision All Three: Should have known that I was up to no good from the start
MiMi: Hi! When will "No One Does It Better" be released and when will the video premiere?
soulDecision Trevor: The song is out at the end of this week and the video is within the next two weeks
soulDecision Ken: It changes with every song. Sometimes it takes us five minutes sometimes five years. Gravity took me about five months to finish. Trevor: We answer as much email as we can but it's hard when we're on the road
cam: You guys are so hot!!! How long does it take to write a song and do you respond to your e-mail? Thanks.
JC: What's up? Have you released your CD in the states yet? If not when will you be doing so?
soulDecision DAVE: THE ENTIRE album is out in June, and the single "Faded" is out to radio and MTV in April
Priscilla: Which one of you sounds like George Michael on the song "Ooh, It's Kinda Crazy"?
soulDecision Dave: It's hard to say Trevor: Both Dave and Me sound like George Michael
souldiva: Do you guys still live in Vancouver or have you moved to Toronto?
soulDecision Dave: Currently we're living in Toronto yet we're trying to get back to Vancouver as often as possible
Aarthy and Susheela: Hey guys, you did a great job at the Junos pre-concert. Anyway, you have the distinction of playing your own instruments but you are still being categorized as a "boy group." How do you feel about this?
soulDecision Trevor: We are? Ken: We just keep trying to educate people that we are a real band and we write and produce our own songs (the truth is out there)
Candace: I noticed that Ryan Gosling sang backup on your album, how did that happen?
soulDecision Trevor: he's a good friend of mine and he was in L.A. when we were recording the "na na na's" on "Feelin' You"
Annie: How did you guys meet, and what was it like the first time you sang together?
soulDecision Dave: we met in music school and it wasn't pretty
Mickey: Are there any groups or solo acts who you would like to tour with?
soulDecision Trevor: Duran Duran, George Michael Dave: ? Ken: Duran Duran
Amanda: What was the best part of opening for Prozzak?
soulDecision Ken: They're really nice great guys Trevor: they treated us very well Dave: Just having the opportunity to get out there and tour was the coolest thing
Zandy: do you guys ever fight?
soulDecision Ken: we contructively disagree Dave: we occasionally disagree or squabble but we wouldn't say we fight
Jen: What do you guys do in your spare time?
soulDecision Trevor: Nintendo, sports Dave: Soccer, golf, and girls Ken: I read books and I write
Laura,England: When will you be coming to my hometown - London in England? I really want to see you guys in person!
soulDecision Ken: I would say probably the summer Dave: Possibly May Trevor: There's talks about the first two/three weeks in May Dave: And we're looking forward to getting there
sweet_thang: how did you feel when they aired you special on MTV?
soulDecision Dave: we didn't even know we were on MTV! And if we were can you please tell us what it was.
Jen: how r u guys dealin' with the fame?
soulDecision Ken: We're famous?
Paul P.: How important is making it in the U.S. to you?
soulDecision Trevor: Anyhere you're successfull is great, any success is a success, and it doesn't matter where Dave: although it would be nice to make some thick coin
jess, mel,and shell: if you had to choose between jennifer lopez, brittney spears, mandy moore or christina aguelra who would it be?
soulDecision Dave: Christina Aguilera Trevor: Jennifer Lopez Ken: Christina Aguilera
Zanda: Is there a rival between you and any other band?
soulDecision Dave: No, absolutely not, we have no problems with anybody
jess, mel,and shell: do u have Girlfriends?
soulDecision Dave: No Ken: No Trevor: No Dave: And we are serious
TARA: what do you fear the most when you are on stage
soulDecision Dave: Falling off Ken:My fly being down Trevor: Looking like a fool
Emily: Did you always know you wanted to be musicians?
soulDecision Dave: Yes Ken: Yes Trevor: Yes
Tricia, ON: What was it like performing at the Junos?
soulDecision Trevor: It was great, we were just happy to be part of the whole experience
yoyo: What is your favourits band (other than yourself)?
soulDecision Trevor: I don't have a favourite band Ken: Duran Duran Dave: Radiohead
Lindsay: How come you guys dont reveal your ages?
soulDecision Trevor: Because on the website, people are writing in that they have seen our ID and they have friends that know us yet the ages they say we are are all over the place so we're just trying to have some fun with it
Umbi: Do you watch the show Buffy, the vampire slayer?
soulDecision Ken: Yes, Sarah Michelle Gellar, yes, oh yes, she rocks Dave: Yes, I like Buffy Trevor: The Simpsons is my favourite show
Jen: what's your fave food!??
soulDecision Trevor: noodles with tomatoe sauce Dave: Lipton Sidekicks is the only thing we have in my apartment Ken: California rolls and Starbucks Mochas
Fox: Any body art, boys?
soulDecision Dave: No, but going to be getting one within the next month Trevor: No Ken: No
Jenn: When do you plan to tour Canada again?
soulDecision Trevor: This summer Dave: We'll be in the Ottawa,, Quebec area within the next two months and then the rest of Canada in the summer
Steve : Where do you guys see yourselves in 5 years?
soulDecision Trevor: Doing exactly what we're doing now
Jackie,Winnipeg: Is it true that your going to be going on tour with Ricky Martin?
soulDecision Dave: No Ken: NO Trevor: No
Beth: What do u guys do to warm up before a concert?
soulDecision Trevor: Dave does nothing but I do about a half hour of scales Dave: I just do random singing Ken: I don't think about it
Jessica: if you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring with you?
soulDecision Ken: endless supply of fuel, a generator, and a TV Trevor: I'd probably bring the same thing because as long as you've got TV you're fine or sand pinapples and coconut Dave: a perpetual energy source, a hot chick, food
Christine: What kinda music do you guys listen to that's currently out?
soulDecision Ken: I really like Groove Armada, GLobal Underground Trevor: Bare Naked Ladies, Macy Gray, Top Forty Dave: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Soul: If there was any kind of other job you guys could do what would it be?
soulDecision Trevor: Pilot Ken: architect Dave: soccer player
Gemma: Dave where will your tattoo be?
soulDecision Dave: back right-hand shoulder blade, two cherubes, one good cherube and one little devil.
Trevor Jr.: Is it true that if someone e-mails you at your website, you guys reply?
soulDecision Trevor: Not always Dave: lately it's been difficult but we do read the chat page
Jessica: boxers or briefs!!!???
Trevor Jr.: What are your celebrity crushes?
soulDecision Trevor: No comment Ken: briefs Dave: boxers
soulDecision Ken: I like Sarah Michelle Gellar Dave: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Paris: Love your new CD. When will you be releasing or have you already release it internationally?
soulDecision Dave: within the next six months it will be out in Australia, Japan, Scandinavia, UK, Germany
Trina: Are you guys going to tour any further EAST than Montreal!!? You have fans here (I'm in Halifax), we all don't eat lobster and listen to fiddle music ya' know!! :) Thanks for your time!
soulDecision Trevor: No plans at this point Dave: There's nothing in the works yet, but part of my family is from Newfoundland
Moo Cow: How do you feel about 2% milk?
soulDecision Trevor: that's what I drink baby! Ken: Skim all the way Dave: Skim baby, all the way
trixster: What do you think of the Canadian music scene right now?
soulDecision Trevor: It is getting stronger, there's a lot of international acts coming out Ken: Yep, it's getting stronger
Jen: what are your nationalities?
soulDecision Trevor: we're all Canadians, But my background is Swedish, Scottish, Finnish Dave: Dutch and French Canadian Ken: Ukranian
Jackie,Winnipeg: You guys sound really nice! Is it hard to stay grounded?
soulDecision Ken: we believe that you have to treat people with decency and respect no matter who they are and we expect people to treat us the same
Aarthy and Susheela: What do you think of young bands like The Moffatts and Serial Joe?
soulDecision Trevor: I like those two bands to be honest with you. I think they're talented Dave: I give them full marks becuase they've been doing it since they were little Ken: I don't really know their stuff
Jackie,Winnipeg: Dave is it true that you broke your arm last summer?
soulDecision Dave: I broke my wrist two years ago playing soccer
Jen: what's your fave movie?
soulDecision Trevor: Raiders of the Lost Ark Dave: Pulp Fiction Ken: Star Trek First Contact and The Matrix
Steve : How would you define your music?
soulDecision Trevor: Pop music Dave: It's kind of everywhere, it's us Ken: It's reflective of our influences,
Jen: how r u guys dealin' with the fame?
soulDecision Dave: It's very strange and embarrassing or they ask 'can I touch you?' it's weird
Battlestar: Do you guys ever visit sites your fans have made you for?
soulDecision Dave: Yes, we actually just did! There's a girl who made a page and me and Ken wanted to send her an email but the computer at this old cafe was screwed up
Jen: how did you guys pick wich songs you'd perform?
soulDecision Trevor: We have a standard set list, if its a one song show we usually do our current single
Jen: What's the next thing you guys will be up to? you know what's on the schedual of life?
soulDecision Trevor: a lot of promotions, radio tours, Europe Dave Going to the States and Europe, in store HMV at Yonge and Eglinton this Saturday
Jen: If you guys were to ever sing the national anthem at a sporting event, at what event would it be?
soulDecision Dave: I would love to do a World Cup game or a Raptors game
Paula, Montreal: How long did it take you to actually get a record deal after the demo was done? Do you think you were lucky, or was it just hard work and a good agent?
soulDecision Trevor: The demo changed over the years. So it took us six years.
Jessica: Hi!, I was front row at your concert at the warehouse and i thought you guys were awesome! Ok, my question is what other groups or bands wuld you like to collaborate with?
soulDecision Dave: George Michael, Prince, Trevor: Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson Ken: Tori Ammos
Jessica: Are you really close to your families? (brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers)
soulDecision Dave: Yes, all blessed with apple pie kind of families Trevor: Yes Ken:Yes
soulDecision Moderator:Ok, three more questions!
Jenn: Do you guys think too many people are more concerned about how you look (which is pretty good I must say) instead of your music?
soulDecision Trevor: Marketing is very important for bands but our position is that it should be about the music first looks second. Unfortunately, that's not the way this business works.
Alex: Did you guys actually think that you would make it this big?
soulDecision Trevor: We've always believed in ourselves but we don't think we're as big as people think we are
Tania: Do you guys read your reviews? soulDecision Dave: Yes, we read everything, so far they've been fairly positive.
soulDecision: thanks for all your questions, we've had fun.