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The first ever S club 7 fan Story page

Hey everyone

Thanks for all the e-mails begging me to update. Its totaly out of my hands. Im no longer living at my home i was force to leave. So when im on the net i check my e-mail if im lucky and i have to do it fast cause i do it at shcool and were not suppost to be doing that. Im also in some medical trouble. Im going blind. If i dont get a serious operation soon il be completly blind in less than a yr. So for a fiew weeks after this il be seeing double or not seeing at all so that will be putting me back awhile so if anyone is interested in helping me update and typing up stories i can use all the help i can get just e-mail me at My friend Marie will be helping me when she can so thanks a bunch Marie your a pal. Friendship or love is over Im at Maries`s this weekend to type as much as i can of tank top and cut of shorts. Marie will be giving the site a new look in a couple of weeks so watch out for that. Thanks for all the e-mails of support still looking 4 a co-owner.Check Out:

Iv Added a episode guide on a seprate page and im finsish the first episode and 2,3 ep and started 3. if anyone has any ideas for a episode or has a story e-mail me please

Check out my new Yahoo Club La7 and more http//


Ok loves iv been asket this a fiew times What is this page? Well its a sclub 7 story page. Huh? you ask. Well its a chance for fans to create a s club 7 story. For example my story S club in LA (I just had to put that plug in) Is a story i wrote with the sclub and a fictional member. It is for entertainment only. You could write a story with the sclub It could be anything you wanted it to be. Do you find your self before you go to bed writting a sclub story in your diary? For example like you win a trip to go to London and magicly you meet the s club and you fall in love with Jon and Blah Blah (Not that i have done this before) Well this is a chance to let all your s club dreams come to life. Still dont understand? E-mail me at with any questions or story`s.

Iv added a updates page check it out it will tell you whats been updated Alot has

I am not the sclub 7 nor am i any way in contact with them family members friends or managment nor am I Hannah from s club 7(Beleive it or not i get e-mails for her) Im simply a fan who likes to write and wants to bring it to the attention of the public. Any story i reciveve becomes my property and i have the write to edit it for content So what those this mean? I dont know but it sounds importent ha ha ha !!!

where to go

S club 7 Meet Hollywood
Come Read About me (Even do it out of Pity i dont mind)
Episode Guide For S Club 7 in La
My Super Star Best Friend By:Lisa
Money thats what i want
This months web poll
Friendship or Love?
tank top and cut off shorts