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My Rant
What I know is wrong with you

Let's clear the air with a few things first. I am under thirty years of age, not addicted to any substance you can't find in a grocery store, enjoy a good explosion, and generally don't care what people think about me. What they say is different, as it could be libelous or slanderous, and therefore could net me some serious cash if I take the time to feel offended.

This is going to be the first of a series of rants, assuming two things. First, that Spook (and you should be seeing this somewhere in the bowels or lower intestine of Spook's page) allows these to continue to be posted. Second, it relies on you, dear reader (and humanity in general), to keep doing things that royally piss me off. Given your track record, this shouldn't be a problem. After all, you are the same people who voted Clinton into office, re-elected him, and then as a protest (apparently) put in Dubya. That's right. I didn't like Clinton and I don't like Bush. I think that it would have been a more interesting election if it had been Bradley vs. McCain. But I am not here to talk about your insipid choices in this matter. My political rant is at least two rants away.

This rant is more of an introduction of things I don't like. So, if it seems that I can't work up a particularly vicious form of bile to spew forth on you, consider yourself lucky. It will be on its way. Stock up on plastic sheeting and air freshener.

First, I hated high school. And it wasn't because I was the smartest person there. I wasn't. Not terribly far from it, though. I just recognized it for the piece of shit that it was. And by that I don't mean my specific high school, I'm talking about high school in general. Other than some of the math, I can't think of a single thing I learned or did in high school that has stayed with me or really means a damn to me. Friends, the few I had are gone. Either I haven't heard from them in years, or they are dead. That's right, dead. We're not immortal. We thought so at the time, but we aren't. Anyone who doesn't realize that life after high school, whether it's college, armed forces, or just moving out of your parents house is so much better than high school, just doesn't think.

But then, that's pretty much indicative of most of you out there. You don't think. You don't think about the consequences of you actions, your words or your thoughts. You don't think when you choose some of the most idiotic things to elect, wear, eat, watch, drink, snort, inject, fight over, die over; the list goes on. Billions spent on war equipment the soldiers don't want or need, billions spent on fighting drugs when we should be taxing them, billions spent on fighting poverty and crime, the surface of which doesn't seem to have been scrapped.

Secondly, I hate most of you. Now you may say that is not fair, I haven't even met you. That's the primary reason for my hate. You've had plenty of time to introduce yourself, and you haven't. That's just rude, and I don't tolerate rudeness in strangers. Rudeness in friends is all right otherwise they aren't friends anymore. And if you can't be rude to your family and friends, who can you be rude to. Strangers? If I don't like it, why should I do it? Well, because I am better than you. That's why. Don't think so? Well then, get around to introducing yourself, we may talk (or may not), and maybe I could possibly acknowledge that you are better than I. I wouldn't count on it happening anytime soon. The reason for my hate is fairly simply. You don't think. See the above paragraphs.

Now, some may think I am racist and/or sexist. I could see where you might say that. Especially if you took the time to introduce yourself and got to know me. But I am not. I hate everyone equally. Ethnic origin (fancy way of saying skin color), country of birth, gender (fancy way of saying sex), sexual orientation (fancy way of asking what you fuck and/or what you allow to fuck you), etc. doesn't really matter. I hate you. Now really, I wouldn't take it too personally. Like a lot of things these days, ratings for movies, grades in classes, booze in bad bars, my hate has been watered down. Or rather, think of it as hate inflation. There are so many of you, and my hate is spread so thin, that it really isn't worth much. Now for those of you I loathe, you should worry. Eventually, I will get that rocket launcher I have wanted for the last several years, and some of you are going away. But then, so would I. So you will probably, just probably, receive a less permanent expression of my loathing.

Thirdly, (and there is always a thirdly) I hate. This is a general unfocused hate. That's the problem with just walking up to me and introducing yourself. You just might get focused on. Those of you how have read this far, might have saved your psyche, and if you need a dictionary to figure out what that means, then you did indeed save it. For while I can be caught in a good mood nothing spoils it faster than people. Whether it is the idiots on the road who don't know how to signal, accelerate, slow down, change lines, or drive in general, the person ahead of me in line who forgot something and is going to get it, or the idiots who think that this particular type of pandering will somehow appeal to me in that special way to buy whatever it is they are pandering for, nothing spoils my good moods like people.
And I hate you for it.

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