Nick Name: Laur Laur (my name from Lydia) Band Name: PYT Full Name: Lauren C. Mayhew Age: 14 Birth Date: 11/27/85 Astrological Sign: Sagittarius Height: 5'5" Weight: 108 lbs Glasses/Contacts: No Write with Right or Left Hand? Left, but my kindergarden teacher made me switch. Tattoos: No Way Piercing: Ears: No but wish I had my ears and belly button done. Pets yes or no: My hamster (Sir Fuzzy and Madam Fluff just died) Innie or Outie: innie Brothers/Sisters: Briana Mayhew, 10 Languages Spoken/Written: Spanish Favorites: Song: I don't have one, I love too many to choose. Food: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Bread Color: Jungle Green Cartoon: Daria and Hey Arnold Car: Ferrari or Utility Vehicle Animal: White tiger Cologne/Perfume: Hmmm....my scents vary Sport: Basketball City: Miami, New York City or Los Angelas Drink: Mountain Dew or Shirley Temple Christmas Present: How can you pick just one favorite present??? Movie: Gosh, I'm such a movie fanatic......just one? Sport Team: The devil Rays, My home team Video: Zelda, Banjo, Kazoo, Mario Car, Donkey Kong Firsts: Album/CD: I don't remember Concert: I don't know Kiss: No No No...my little secret Short Answer Who is the most influential person in your life and why? Probably my Mother, her opinion means so much to me. Person you most want to meet and why? Ryan Phillipe and Freddie Prinz...what hotties! Need I say more! Hobbies: Shopping, watching movies, swimming, and talk on the phone. Who is your hero, and why? My Mom and my Dad...I wish that when I grow up I become even half as good a person as her and as intelligent a person as him. You are stuck on a desert island. What three things would you bring and why? A cell phone, a bathing suit and Freddie Prinz What is your heritage? Cherokee, German and English To you, what is the most important thing in a relationship? Trust and that special little flair that you know is there but you can't explain it. Musical instruments played? The piano Describe your wildest fantasy? No. Describe your perfect Christmas Gift: A puppy dog (a black lab puppy) What magazines do you read? Marie Claire, Seventeen, Teen People Describe the perfect date: We go to the beach, have fun in the day and at night a romantic talk at the shore. What is the weirdest rumor you have heard about yourself? I don't know. Odd Questions They Want to Know Tooth brush color: Purple and green Tooth paste brand: Mentadent Item you couldn't live without: My stuffies I've had since I was a baby, Sammy and Brownie (monkeys) Shampoo: Herbal Essense What is the best country you have seen so far? I've only seen America. What is your shoe size? 8 1/2 Were/Are you popular in school? Yes Who (of the other people in your band) do you think is the best kisser (not including yourself)? I don't know. Who (of the other people in your band) do you think is the best dancer (not including yourself)? Maybe Lydia. In one word, describe yourself: Fab Do you believe in Aliens: Yes What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say "McDonalds"? French fries!!!

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