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The other day someone questioned my Christianity.

My first reaction as a proud human being was anger with an arrogant, "How dare they!" added to the end of my ranting.

After calming my spirit and getting back in touch with God, I prayed and meditated about the incident. Here's my discovery...

Where did we lose Him? Who? God.
Where did we lose God?

Nietzsche declared in one of philosophical writings, "God is dead." Well, He must be, because there are some Christian's running around playing God and being judge, lawyer and jury.

Of course I'm being cynical, God is certainly not dead! But the truth is that many Christian's are behaving as if God were dead by their behavior.

My act of "unchristian-like" conduct was sending an e-mail asking other's to pray, meditate or chant (whatever they do to communicate with God) on my behalf. In short, I had a prayer request.

I was informed politely by the "Christian Police" that cults chant and meditate, Christian's do not.

Hmmmm.... Seems to me that my Bible recalls verse after verse of sayings like, "in prayer and meditation." (Psalms 19:14, 49:3, 104:34, 119:97 and 119:99) Do I have a bad copy?

And someone really needs to go back in time and have a talk with King David. Some of those Psalms they sang in the temple could be considered "chants."

And we'd better all have a talk with those Gregorian Priests who publish their chants on cassettes and CD's!

They are headed for hell in a hurry for sure!

It seems to me that more Christian's need to get out of the habit of "looking for the speck" in others eyes and removing the "plank" in their own.

If I read my version of the Bible correctly, even Jesus Christ was put on the carpet by the "religious police" for hanging out with sinners.

But my Bible also reminds me that Christ looked upon those people (Scribes and Pharisees) as religious hypocrites.

As I said, I must truly have the wrong version of the King James and perhaps my NIV is also wrong because it says the same thing. Well, then, all my versions must be wrong because my Pilgrim Study Bible and the Parallel Translation say the exact same thing.

But all sarcasm aside, I'm saddened by the behavior of those who call themselves after Christ's name.
If we are truly called by the "Great Commission" we are to live as witnesses to God's love and Christ's redemption.

That does not include shoving it down someone's throat, turning your back on someone who does not believe as you do, nor lecturing people on the error of their religious ways or lifestyle. Is that really how Christ would have done it?

When tempted to criticize or condemn someone for their religious beliefs or behaviors, go back and look at 1 Corinthian's 8:8 -13. Is it any wonder that we've not fulfilled the mission of the "Great Commission" when we approach people with condemnation instead of love as we were commanded?

Could it be a trick of "Satan" that causes us to become so pious and rigid in our beliefs that we purposely are turning people away from Christ?

And when you die and reach our Father (by whatever name you call Him), what denomination is He?

In all my remembrances from my Near Death Experience and meeting God, I can't remember Him ever having a religious affiliation. Could it be because "religion" is man-made and not God-made?

And remember the minute you start to condemn or judge someone else, it is not of the spirit of God.

It is your own pride and hypocrisy that is condemning you. I, myself would love to believe that I am one of the more "spiritually" elevated people in the world, but I also know the minute that thought creeps into my head that I am guilty of sin.
The Christian walk is a very fine line.

Each Year, as we approach the Easter celebration in Christianity, let us remember what Christ died for.
Our very nature as human beings has caused us to be willful and sinful creatures. Until you can live the life that Christ himself had lived (which none of us will achieve), then put your nose back into that Bible of yours and do some praying and meditation until you can approach people with the love of Christ which is with total humility.

Then, and only then, will the spirit of God work in others that their heart may be open to hear the "Good News."

And if you still find it hard to stay away from condemning or preaching to the infidels who do not believe as you do, then pray for them.

In more ways than one, you'll be helping yourself.

Special note to readers: I hope you understand that the sarcasm in this essay does not attempt to take away from the seriousness of the issue discussed.

However, the God I know is everything and that includes laughter, sarcasm and humor as well as seriousness and reverence. Often in writing, it is easier to get a point across through sarcasm and humor than it is through "Bible Thumping."

I wish all believers the blessings that are coming their way and may we be reminded of the great price that was paid for us to be allowed to communicate with our Father through Christ's death and resurrection.

Remember, "more Jesus, less religion!"

Written by---© 2001 D.L. Mahler

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]