.: wtf?! the palace is reopening?! :.

- august 12, 2002 -

Yeah, you read right. And yeah, I wrote right. We're reopening The Palace! Yay! *flails around limbs in celebration like Kermit the Frog*

Now, HOW did this all come about, exactly? Weeeeellll... Katie and I have been in talks. In fact, Katie and I are always in talks. A very current talk has been revolving around opening an *N Sync and O-Town fan fiction review site, which is going to open very soon, and that got us back onto the topic of The Palace, because I was supposed to have cleaned up the site an eon and a half ago. We were discussing it, and reminiscing about the good ol' Palace days we had and how we miss them since we've been apart and stopped writing. We came upon the revelation that nothing has ever felt quite like "home" since this website, and while we don't write *N Sync fan fiction in multitudes anymore, we still write it and we sure as anything still read it in droves. On top of this, there were "Dark Side of the Sun" talks as well. After going back and re-reading "Dark Side..." and what we have of "Total Eclipse", I saw there was a lot that needed to be fixed and a lot that just plain didn't make much sense. Thus we are taking it upon ourselves to revise "Dark Side...", taking it to a whole new level and a completely different place. And we've decided that we'll be scrapping "Total Eclipse". After the "Dark Side..." revision, there will be a sequel, but it will bear absolutely no resemblance to "T.E.", as the changes we are implementing in the first are so radical. This, and the e-mail of one of our hosted authors, has made us realize that The Palace can never actually be shut down. There's no closing it. Even as the website sits here, in a year's limbo, it still lives on. Sappy, I know, but it's the truth.

So, when's the site gonna make its grand re-opening? Right now that's up in the air. A new layout needs to be developed, and then I plan on re-organizing the site from within. Humor content must be transferred here, and then there's the fact that we might be relocating the site to a banner-less web server. I will keep you up to speed on the status of the site, and I sure as hell won't keep you guys waiting too long.

In the meantime, feel free to check out Orange Satellite, my personal site, Spotlight, Katie's Ashley Angel fan fiction site, and Illusive Critiques, our *N Sync and O-Town fan fiction review site (coming soon!).

800 x 600 resolution | IE is good, Netscape is evil | eyes | love for good fiction | desire to see one hell of a view

Don't you hate being stuck in someone else's frames? Break free from those chains!

You know you wanna come back... so

Site Meter (as of 12/3/00)
mini-site history - Cassie has been here since August 25, 1999 and Katie joined forces around May 31, 2000 -

The picture used for the layout is titled "Monument Sunrise" and is copyrighted to http://www.jdlphotos.com. I am in no way taking credit for that beautiful photograph.