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Nic's Photos

Hey guys! These are all the pix I have for the time being. Hope you like them. I will update them periodically. If you have any pix you'd like me to put online, please feel free to email them to me.

This is a pic from one of the YES! e-cards.

Aww! How Cute! I heard that he can skateboard really good.

HeHe!! I bet this was one of those "at-home" poses.

umm . . . What's with the background?

Most of the times he has beautiful hands and hair . . . . what happened?

(the lady in the back looks familiar) Overtime, he changed from a cute adorable little thing . . .

. . . to a hot sexy man.

Dude, if we get any closer, we'd certainly bump into him

Hmm . . . . I wonder what event this was. Looks fun.

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My Asian Pride