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Nic's Bio

Nic's contact address:
Nicholas Tse
Fitto Entertainment
28/F Emperor Group Centre,
288 Hennesy Road, Wanchai,
Hong Kong

Well, sweetie-pie Nicholas Tse was born on August 29, 1980. When he was eight years old, he immigrated to Canada with his parents and his sister, studying at a private boarding school in Vancouver. So, he was brought up in a Chinese English environment. He went to the United States when he was twelve. He attended Dobson Highschool in Phoenix Arizonia, then he joined his grandmother in Canada and attended a boarding school there. He was quite lonely.

Then when he was sixteen, he spent half a year in Japan studying music; it was also here that he taught himself how to play the guitar. He fell in love with it and would often roam the streets of Japan at night with it. From various sources, he quoted himself saying that the six months in Japan was probably the happiest times in his life because there was no pressure, no peers to impress, no paparazzi etc. (I wonder if he knew how to speak Japanese . . . )

He returned to HK to witness the divorce of his parents and started his career at the age of 17. Finally, in 1997, Nicholas Tse was announced to be a new singer in Hong Kong. This news was given a tremendous response. Hong Kong entertainment named him as "The Successor to Hong Kong New Generation of Music". He also had the opportunity to take part in his first commercial "Rice Burger". This commercial showed us an image of him as young, healthy and strong. Therefore, his TV main song, "My Attitude" was extremely popular among the people of Hong Kong. Due to this great positive response to the song, it brought us his first CD, "My Attitude".

Some notable albums: Most Wanted, Grateful For Your Love 1999, Believe, Horizon.

I think he can speak pretty good English. I think he said in one interview that he had a hard time speaking Chinese when he first returned to Hong Kong. I feel the same thing. aiyah . . . .

Nic's profile
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Nic's Articles & Interviews
Nic's Signing and Concert Reviews**special page
Nic's Filmography
My Asian Pride