Welcome To Lauren's Pop Muzic Page


Welcome To Lauren's Pop Muzic Page
Welcome To Lauren's Pop Muzic Page
Welcome To Lauren's Pop Muzic Page

Hey!! Thanx for visiting my site!!! I hope this will give you the info you need on the most popular groups and artists in pop music!! If you have n e info that I don't...or you see some that's wrong...e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the screen.Also...remember to sign the guest book before ya leave!! Thanx!! and Come back soon to see what I've done with the place!! Check out my new stuff to see what I've updated!

Page Last Updated: June 11th,2001

Backstreet Boys |*NSync |Christina Aguilera |Britney Spears
My Poll |New Stuff

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Email: laurenashley2000@aol.com

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Hey!! You like the new cursor?? Wanna get one of your own?? Go to Cometzone and find a cool cursor for your site!!!!!

Just so ya know..i am in NO way connected with any of the artists or groups on this site..(i wish i was)..but I'm not..so if u have something that u would like the artists to see..dont e-mail me or put it in my guestbook 'cause they wont see it..aight?? Thanx a bundle and come back soon!!


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