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Hey yo! so this is what a lotta people been resquesting for a long time so herez
*~Jell-e's Photo Album page~*
aagh.. i can just see ppl looking at this page thinkin
"OMG ew she's so gross" or "OMG this just made my day a lot worse"
or "OMG whats on her face? is that a nose?" or
"OMG i rather watch slugs mating than this ugly thing"
anywayz, i'm sure all kinds of things will go through ur mind..
but u know, looks shouldn't matter =)
thats why my bf loves me, riiiite rob!?
oh wellz, enough with the negativities.
so heres how this page works, its a photo album,
and if i get new kyoote pix, i'm just gonna post it up.
if any of u guys want ur pix up, (no porno please.)
i'll be happy to do that for you! so here it goes!
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mai lil puppy Rob & grr.. me.
yes.. i look like i'm about to throw up,
and my eye looks lopsided, and my eyebrow is fading,
but sorry to bring bad news, thats me.


@ Dapy's.


Me & my old buddy Janie


Jelle, Lor*e, JoJo & Mr. Rotten after rave party.


Jelle & Kinkay Karen..
K..Karen.. don't get too turned on, its not a human you are touching...


Ayu San & Jelle sharing our love and support


Lor*e, Jelle, and Mr. Rotten @ Alaz.


Me and MikMik Summer of 2000.


Our Fellow friend ChuckECheez..
look at him he looks cracked out. (j/k)


ShKanKieEe BiZach aka Shasha, and KinKay Karen
both desparate for attention



My Qat~* his name is Tucky..
this pic was taken at my old house.
isn't he so KYOOOOOOOOOOTE?!

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