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Welcome to Becky's Magical and Mystical Wonderland!

Hello! I see that you have stopped by this wonderfully strange site! That's wonderful! In fact, everything's wonderful in this wonderful wonderland! You are probably wondering WHY everything's so wonderful, aren't you? It's because the purple monkey has said so. Yes, the purple monkey. And whatever the purple monkey says, it is so.

Now that you know that everything is wonderful, perhaps I should introduce myself: I am Becky. Becky is who I am. Isn't that great? I human years, I might be 14. And, unless you are REALLY bad about names, you've probably already guessed that I'm a female.'re so smart. On the other hand, I would be considered ~*Ιά on the planet Zygon. I am slightly (ok..maybe VERY, but I'm growing! Really! Last time I measured, I was only about two inches shorter than my friend Morgan!) short for my age and my very dark brown hair (also known as black) goes a little bit past my butt, but I always have it up in a special type of bun. I know it's a special type of bun cause it makes it look like I don't have as much hair as I really do and because no one else has been able to mimic it. If you can, I'd be glad to know! That's something special about me. Do you have anything special about you? Everyone does, but think about what is most special about yourself. I will pause a moment for you to decide....*pause*....ok! Have you decided? That's great. Now keep in mind your answer and then click right here.