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last updated:25/5/2002


                    Ello ello ello .. welcome to my corner! i dun really hab

                        anything new on my hp atm [ if u haven't been here since

                        dec last year then u can check out my formal 2001 picz ].

                        i er..... have been a bit bz. kekeke okies okies i fess up!

                        i've been too lazy to do anything to the site!

                        But hey! u can still browse thru everything again *-) i noe

                        it'll make ur day! kekeke







 um... wat's the purpose of this nice pic?

i dunno... it's nice! Okie?!

Take a peek at my FoToZ ALbuM [last updated 05/07/2002]

Read a
MoTIvAtIoNaL poem

*Ohmigoddess* [ The 7 Goddesses ]

Kewl Cartoons! by my fwiends

MEh Meh mEh <--- a lil bit 'bout myself

Okiesh... time to tag my Guest Book... I noe u want to!

°°° Wî£D°°°« °°°ö®ChïD °°°»