Blind Date

"Come on Christina!" Mandy yelled trying to get her friend, Christina Aguilera, out of Abercrombie and Fitch. Christina was a pop/ R&B singer. Mandy was also a pop singer but she wasn't as big as Christina. "Hey Jess! Hey Nick!" Christina said as Nick from 98* and his girlfriend Jessica Simpson approached them. "No one is buggin' us. That's a first." Nick said. "That's cuz most kids are at school," Mandy pointed out. It was 11:32am. "Speaking of school, you two are home, why aren't you at school?" Jessica asked teasingly. "Shut up!" Christina and Mandy both said at the same time. Then Christina and Mandy saw someone or something. "Lets go. Now!" Christina said. Christina and Mandy ran out of the mall and into their silver Eclipse convertible. "What was that about?" Nick asked checking his breath. "Old, mean, ex?" Jessica asked. "How'd ya know?" Mandy asked. "Been there, done that." Jess answered while Nick gave her a weird look. "So what did he do?" Nick asked trying to forget what Jess said. "He cheated on me her and I both with Britney Spears," Christina answered. "How bout we set you two up with some of our friends?!" Jessica suggested excitedly. "No," Mandy replied. "Aint happenin'." Christina added. "Come on!" Jessica pleaded. "Fine," Christina and Mandy both replied knowing Jess wouldn't give in. On the Blind Date- with Mandy "Hi!" Mandy said cheery. Her date was about 5'11'' with blue eyes and brown hair. "Hey," Jason replied. She's cute, Jason thought. "So wutcha wanna do?" Mandy asked nervously. He's a cutie, Mandy thought. Mandy and Jason went to the movies and then out to dinner. Jason walked Mandy home and he gave her a kiss goodnight. One the blind date- with Christina "Hey!" a good looking guy with blonde hair and brown eyes that was 6'1''. "Hi!" Christina said. "I'm Christina, and you are?" "Ohh. Sorry, I'm Ryan." "So. What do you wanna do?" Christina and Ryan both spent the evening at a coffee shop then they went to a popular hang out. Ryan walked Christina home, gave her a kiss goodnight and promised to call. The End- Christina stayed with Ryan and they have been going out for 3 years now. Mandy and Jason have been out for 2 years and married one.