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North vs South!

Greetings, Y'all!

Well, hello darlin! Welcome to my funny pages for the North Vs the South. If you think you will be offended by ANYTHING in the following links, please go HERE. Otherwise, the links below will take you to some jokes I have collected about Rednecks and Yankees. Seeing how I came from both worlds, I don't see any problem with picking on myself at all. I say y'all, but only have a slight Southern accent. I eat grits and oatmeal. I love the way some things are up North, and I love the way some things are down here in the South, but I am proud to be a Carolina girl! The South has a proud heritage, and we still do many things that are steeped in a tradition that will never die. Family means more than anything, after God here. Remember that old saying? "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God" I believe in that. If you scroll beneath the links you will find two songs for the state of South Carolina. Enjoy your visit!

Fun with Rednecks and Other Southern Folk

You Might Be a Redneck

Fun with Yankees and Other Northern Folk

You Might Be a Yankee

Songs of South Carolina

Credits for websites where lyrics were taken from given at the end of each song.


Written by Henry Timrod
Adopted as state song in 1911

Hold up the glories of thy dead;
Say how thy elder children bled,
And point to Eutaw's battle-bed.
Carolina! Carolina!

Throw thy bold banner to the breeze!
Front with thy ranks the threatening seas
Like thine own proud armorial trees,
Carolina! Carolina!

Thy skirts indeed the foe may part,
Thy robe be pierced with sword and dart,
They shall not touch thy noble heart,
Carolina! Carolina!

Girt with such wills to do and bear,
Assured in right, and mailed in prayer,
Thou wilt not bow thee to despair,
Carolina! Carolina!
Taken from

South Carolina on My Mind

Written by Hank Martin and Buzz Arledge
Officially adopted as a state song in 1984.

At the foot hills of the Appalachian chain,
Down through the rivers, to the coastal plain,
There's a place that I call home,
And I'll never be alone,
Singin' this Carolina love song.

I've got South Carolina on my mind
Remembering all those sunshine Summertimes,
And the Autumns in the Smokies when the leaves turn to gold
Touches my heart and thrills my soul
to have South Carolina on my mind,
With those clean snow-covered mountain Wintertimes
And the white sand of the beaches and those Carolina peaches,
I've got South Carolina on my mind.

I'm grown now with a family of my own
In a place that all my kids are callin' home.
And I love this life I'm livin',
And thank God for all He's givin',
But my heart sings a Carolina love song

I've got South Carolina on my mind
Remembering all those sunshine Summertimes,
And the Autumns in the Smokies when the leaves turn to gold
Touches my heart and thrills my soul
to have South Carolina on my mind,
With those clean snow-covered mountain Wintertimes
And the white sand of the beaches and those Carolina peaches,
I've got South Carolina on my mind.

Taken from

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South Carolina flag gif taken from