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What's Goin On In The City?

I woke up the next morning in Tay's arms, with his bright blue eyes staring at me. I'll tell you, that was a wake-up call! I just stared at him, and he leaned over and kissed me.

"Morning sunshine!" he said, smiling. I was not a morning person, but Tay just made me feel so happy, I smiled back.

We got out of bed, and he led me downstairs, where there was a huge breakfast on the table. Diane was sitting down, and she smiled at us.

"Morning you two. How was your night?" She asked, more to me than to Tay, but really to the both of us.

"Just fine, I slept great, that's an awsome bed." I said, and she smiled. She pointed to two places for us to sit at, and we did.

"So um, Tay, would you go wake everyone up please for breakfast?" Diane asked, adn Tay got up anxiously. When he was gone, Diane looked strait at me.

"So is it true what I heard for Ike about you two kissing last night?" Diane asked bluntly, like it wasn't a personal matter. I nodded, and she smiled, which was definetly not what I expected.

"My Tay finally found a sweet girl he really likes! That's just perfect! I'm sure he hasn't told you this, but his taste in past girlfriends has been awful! I'm so happy he found you!" Diane said, and I smiled.

"Thank you! We really aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, we don't really know eachother, but he is a sweetie! Please don't tell him I told you we kissed though, because he might get mad."

"It's just between us!" Diane said, and I smiled. Right then everyone walked downstairs, and Tay sat down next to me, and grabbed my hand. I smiled.

"So Ashley, wanna go into the city today, and check it out." Tay asked.

"NO!" I screamed, and everyone looked at me.


Chapter 8
Chapter 10